Have you ever been in the situation where someone asks you to git checkout
their branch, and you hesitate?
If you have, and if it is because you're not interested in helping others, this package won't be of use to you. You're probably a jerk, and that's not a software problem.
However, if you hesitate because your project's dependencies change often, and npm install
takes forever, nm-cache
might be able to help!
The project may also be of use if you need to test a project between multiple versions of Node. If you use something like nodenv or nvm, you'll need to globally install nm-cache
for each Node version, but there should be no other constraints.
npm install -g nm-cache
- Enjoy!
Note: nm-cache
requires a POSIX-compatible environment to work. OSX and most Linux flavors should work out-of-the-box. Windows 10 with its new Ubuntu mode might work too, although it hasn't been tested.
Let's say you want to checkout someone else's branch, but you don't want to wait forever. Here's what you would do:
nm-cache save
git checkout other-branch
nm-cache restore || (npm install && nm-cache save)
# Do all the things...
git checkout original-branch
nm-cache restore
Or maybe your project.json
changes relatively often, but you don't want to check it manually every time you pull down the latest master
git pull origin master
git diff-tree -r --name-only --no-commit-id HEAD@{1} HEAD | \
grep --quiet "package.json" && \
nm-cache restore || \
npm install && \
nm-cache save
If you want this to be automated, make it into a post-merge
git hook.
Usage: nm-cache <command> [options]
This utility helps you stash particular versions of your node_modules
directories with minimal overhead. Later you can restore them.
This can be useful when, for example, you switch between branches that have
different dependencies or versions, or if you need to switch between Node
run-time versions.
save Save a snapshot of your current node_modules.
restore Restore a saved snapshot, anchored to package.json
check Exit with 0 if already cached, exit with 1 otherwise.
--package-json `package.json` to use as node_modules anchor point (optional).
--force Overwrite pre-existing node_modules cache (optional).
--hash Indicates which cached directory to restore (optional).
--help Show help [boolean]
You may notice that nm-cache
is relatively quick about its business. This is because it does not make copies of your node_modules
subdirectories. Instead, it creates a directory structure that matches your existing node_modules
and hard-links the files.
One side benefit of this approach is that there will only ever be one physical copy of each snapshot stored on disk, including the node_modules
directory itself. Of course, multiple snapshots with partially-identical contents will not be de-duplicated, as that would require some tight integration with npm
or a heavy hash-every-file approach like git
You may also notice that nm-cache
doesn't require that you specify any unique identifier for your snapshot. This is because, by default, it will create a hash of your package.json
file and use this to uniquely identify the snapshot when they're saved.
Similarly, when you're restoring, it'll hash your package.json
and look to see whether a snapshot has already been made. If so, you won't have to npm install