Add warning for the length of the group name (
#2122 )
Pull request merge
Updated tox after Django 5.2a1. (
#2127 )
Pull request merge
Updated tox after Django 5.2a1.
added channels-valkey to community docs. (
#2126 )
Pull request merge
Added support for Python 3.13. (
#2117 )
Pull request merge
Set release date for 4.2.0.
Preparing v4.2 release. (
#2111 )
Pull request merge
Added function prototype for BaseChannelLayer (
#2112 )
Pull request merge
Fixed connect example in auth docs.
Ensure text message exists before handling on
#2097 Pull request merge
Fix databases docs (
#2113 )
Pull request merge
InMemoryChannelLayer improvements, test fixes (
#1976 )
Pull request merge
Use the async sessions api if it exists (
#2092 )
Pull request merge
Improve async Django support and improve docs (
#2090 )
Pull request merge
Don't actually close DB connections during tests (
#2101 )
Pull request merge
Added testing against Django 5.1.
Removed outdated deprecation message (
#2103 )
Pull request merge
Made WebsocketCommunicator assertions more informative. (
#2098 )
Pull request merge
Drop long deleted cookie_date (
#2091 )
Pull request merge
Removed Django version number from project description.
Reset theme to ReadTheDocs' default theme.
Added minimal RTD config file.
Preparing v4.1 release. (
#2087 )
Pull request merge
Make Django 4.2 the minimum supported version. (
#2086 )
Pull request merge
Make Django 4.2 the minimum supported version.
Updated websocket consumers for newer ASGI spec versions. (
#2002 )
Pull request merge
You can’t perform that action at this time.