A Unix and Linux evangelist since before Slackware was Slackware, I began my career in system operations in 1996. I work on digital trust and identity. I am interested in where and how digital trust and identity supports and enables cybersecurity, GRC, and privacy.
👨💻 I'm currently working on:
- A B.A. in Economics at Queen's University,
- Upgrading my CISSP to a CISSP-ISSAP.
👨🎓 I'm currently reading:
- George Orwell, Selected Essays.
- Slice Me Some Truth, a collection of Canadian creative non-fiction essays.
- Lee Gutkind, You Can't Make This Stuff Up, about how to write creative non-fiction.
- Steven Pinker, The Sense of Style, about how to write well.
- Augustine, Confessions.
- David Kahn, The Codebreakers.
- Auguste Kerckhoffs, La Cryptographie Militaire.