- San Francisco Bay Area
- https://synthesis.com
A curated list of engineering-related video games rated Very Positive or higher on Steam
Create Fermi Estimates and Perform Monte Carlo Estimates
Detect recently run out-of-date executables which are managed by brew
Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features oβ¦
A standard library with the same API in F#, Rescript and OCaml
Languish, a web page for exploring programming language trends
case fatality rates of COVI-19, 1918 influenza, seasonal influenza
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
Deprecated in favor of rescript-lang.org
π Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
Copy commits between repositories Β· git β git, git β hg, hg β hg, or hg β git
"Trendiness of open source software should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli
Milk π₯ Stress-free serialization & deserialization for Reason/OCaml
Folds functions within your code
π¦ Atom package to display JavaScript test coverage on gutter of editor.
Work with yarn/npm packages locally like a boss.
A React wrapper for the Adobe Web Platform's Balance-Text Project
A React Native text component that sets its fontSize to fill a target height.
Stop worrying about method/function binding!!
Format code in GitHub comments with Prettier