An elegant MIME mail library with support for attachments
A simple, easy to use email library for Go (golang).
- Full attachment support (attach anything that implements
) - Send to multiple addresses at the same time, including BCC addresses.
- Supports composing multi-part messages (HTML and plain text emails for older clients)
- Write templates directly to the email body (implements
for convenience) - Production ready - several million emails sent in a production environment
- SMTP over TLS support, with automatic STARTTLS upgrades for plaintext connections
If you're using go mod
go get -v
Or with GOPATH
go get -v
// Create a new email - specify the SMTP host:port and auth (if needed)
mail := mailyak.New("", smtp.PlainAuth("", "user", "pass", ""))
mail.FromName("Bananas for Friends")
mail.Subject("Business proposition")
// mail.HTML() and mail.Plain() implement io.Writer, so you can do handy things like
// parse a template directly into the email body
if err := t.ExecuteTemplate(mail.HTML(), "htmlEmail", data); err != nil {
panic(" π£ ")
// Or set the body using a string setter
mail.Plain().Set("Get a real email client")
// And you're done!
if err := mail.Send(); err != nil {
panic(" π£ ")
To send an attachment:
mail := mailyak.New("", smtp.PlainAuth("", "user", "pass", ""))
mail.Subject("I am a teapot")
mail.HTML().Set("Don't panic")
// input can be a bytes.Buffer, os.File, os.Stdin, etc.
// call multiple times to attach multiple files
mail.Attach("filename.txt", &input)
if err := mail.Send(); err != nil {
panic(" π£ ")
- Why "MailYak"? Because "MailyMcMailFace" is annoyingly long to type.
- You can use a single instance of mailyak to send multiple emails after changing the to/body/whatever fields, avoiding unnecessary allocation/GC pressure.
- Attachments are read when you call
to prevent holding onto multiple copies of the attachment in memory (source and email) - this means changing the attachment data between callingAttach()
will change what's emailed out! - For your own sanity you should vendor this, and any other libraries when going into production.
This library is fully maintained.
The (relatively) small API/scope and many years spent maturing means it doesn't receive frequent code changes any more. Bug fixes are definitely accepted (and appreciated!), and you can consider this a stable and maintained library.