Is from Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
Works for Da Nang University of Science and Technology
Da Nang University of Science and Technology
Is from New York, NY
New York, NY
Works for Kivala & Freelance
Kivala & Freelance
Is from Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria
Works for @Bytedance
Works for Origin Financial
Origin Financial
Is from Luanda-Angola
Works for @aize-io
Works for @STORIS
Works for The Software Practice
The Software Practice
Is from Pune, India
Pune, India
Works for @hcodebr
Is from Cairo-Egypt
Works for @shopify
Is from São José dos Campos - SP
São José dos Campos - SP
Works for
Is from Istanbul
Is from Beijing, China
Beijing, China
Works for Great Expectations
Great Expectations
Works for Freelance
Works for Script In Me
Script In Me
Works for Grupo Casas Bahia
Grupo Casas Bahia
Is from Cairo, Egypt
Cairo, Egypt
Works for @laststance
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