I'm interested in Algorithm Trading, AI, Data Analysis, Julia, Rust and passionate about learning itself.
- Algorithm Trading with AI
- Constuct Algorithm Trading Platform
KeyWord: AI, Algorithm-Trading, Data-Analysis, HFT
AI4Trading project - In Private Repository - AI4Trading
- Algorithm Trading with AI (from 2024)
- Trading 5 symbols on Binance (from 2024)
- HFT with AI
Immigration Rust to Julia
- From 2025, I chose Julia over Rust because I thought Rust would have difficulties with extensibility.
- In Private Repository - Hello-Julia-World
- What is important Stats in NBA? (2022)
- Dacon: Lettuce Growth Forecast AI(2022)
- Sentiment Analysis by BERT (KHUDA 3nd, 2023)
- Virtual Trading Based on TA (KHUDA 3nd, 2023)
- Predict Resell Price of Shoes By KREAM (2023)
- Machine-Learning-for-Factor-Investing (2023)
- RL Scalping Agent (2023~)
- Causal Inference: Factor of Happiness (2024)
- AI4Trading (2024 | In Private Repository)
- Open_CV Practice GO!
- Baekjoon Algorithm Study GO!
- Machine Learning/Deep Learning GO!
- RL Algorithm GO!
- Data Structure GO!
- Operation Research Practice GO!
- Django Practice GO!
- Hello, Rust-World! Go!
- Hello, Julia-World! Go!
- Hyeong-jin Son, Lim Donhui, & Young-woo Han. (2023). Reinforcement learning portfolio optimization based on portfolio theory. 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집, 30(2), 961-962.
- KHU AIMS LABS Undergraduate researcher (2024.01~)
- Optimizing Combinations with Reinforcement Learning (TSP, VRP)
- 모두의 연구소 PISTAR LAB (2024.03~)
- 금융보안원, [FSI Data Challenge 2023] 트랙B '지역별 라이프스타일 분석을 통한 전기차 구매 고객 예측', 우수상 (2023.10)
- Prediction of EV Purchasing Customers through Regional Lifestyle Analysis
- World Quant, Alphaton-[Korea Partner], 3등 (2023)
- BDA X ASCEND 비트코인 변동성 예측 공모전, 우수상 (2024)
- Prediction of bitcoin Volatility
- Jane Street, Real-Time Market Data Forecasting Competition on Kaggle, Bronze Medal in Public Score (2025.01)
- 경희대 데이터분석/AI 동아리 KHUDA 3기(Financial Track) 수료 (2023.01-2023.07)
- KHU Data Analysis/AI Club
- 경희대 데이터분석/AI 동아리 KHUDA 4기(Financial Track) 수료 (2023.08-2023.12)
- KHU Data Analysis/AI Club
- 금융공학 학회 UFEA 36기
- Study Financial Engineering
- KHU AIMS LABS Undergraduate researcher (2024.01~08)
- 모두의 연구소 PISTAR LAB (2024.03~08)
- Study Algorithm Trading With AI
- 객체별로 단위테스트를 진행해야함.
- 들어오는 데이터의 타입과 형식을 이해해야함.
- 들어오는 데이터를 어떤 흐름으로 처리할 것인지 알아야함
- 처리하는 데이터 log의 흐름은 어떻게 될지, 얼마나 log를 생성할지 정해야함.
- 내부적으로 객체를 관리하기 쉬운 형식을 정할 것인지 알아야 함.
- 만약 에러가 난다면 어떻게 처리할 것인지 알아야 함.
- 출력되는 데이터 타입은 어떻게 되는지 알아야 함.
- 변수명, 함수명은 어떤 형식을 취할 것인지 정해야함.
Email: lukedonghui@gmail.com