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Tokendito Documentation

Table of Contents

Command line Usage

Default usage

Configure your profile by running tokendito with the --configure flag, or by populating your tokendito.ini file as here. Using --configure will only set the okta_username, okta_todo

Then execute: tokendito in your command line.

Multi-tile Guide

If you have multiple AWS-type Okta tiles assigned to you, please update your local tokendito.ini file with the links to your AWS tiles in Okta. You can get the link to your tile by right-clicking on the tile in Okta and selecting "Copy Link URL." This file supports multiple profiles, in case there is a need to connect with different Okta Orgs and tiles. tokendito can access the profiles by name, by passing in the --profile parameter.

Without specifying a specific profile, tokendito will look for a default profile within that file.

Single-command usage

Tokendito accepts all of the necessary parameters to be able to generate your STS tokens with a single command. There are a couple of ways to do this!

You can just pass in your information at runtime:

tokendito --username \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/dowjones-engineer \
--okta-mfa push \
--okta-tile \

Or you can put your parameters into a single profile and reference that profile.

okta_tile =
okta_username =
okta_mfa = push
aws_role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/engineer

And execute:

tokendito --profile engineer

Additional command line reference

usage: tokendito [-h] [--version] [--configure] [--username OKTA_USERNAME] [--password OKTA_PASSWORD] [--profile USER_CONFIG_PROFILE] [--config-file USER_CONFIG_FILE]
                 [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR}] [--log-output-file USER_LOG_OUTPUT_FILE] [--aws-config-file AWS_CONFIG_FILE] [--aws-output AWS_OUTPUT]
                 [--aws-profile AWS_PROFILE] [--aws-region AWS_REGION] [--aws-role-arn AWS_ROLE_ARN] [--aws-shared-credentials-file AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE]
                 [--okta-org OKTA_ORG | --okta-tile OKTA_TILE] [--okta-client-id OKTA_CLIENT_ID] [--okta-mfa OKTA_MFA] [--okta-mfa-response OKTA_MFA_RESPONSE]
                 [--use-device-token] [--quiet]

Gets an STS token to use with the AWS CLI and SDK.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Displays version and exit
  --configure           Prompt user for configuration parameters
  --username OKTA_USERNAME
                        username to log in to Okta. You can also use the TOKENDITO_OKTA_USERNAME environment variable.
  --password OKTA_PASSWORD
                        password to log in to Okta. You can also use the TOKENDITO_OKTA_PASSWORD environment variable.
                        Tokendito configuration profile to use.
  --config-file USER_CONFIG_FILE
                        Use an alternative configuration file. Defaults to tokendito.ini with location depending on the OS.
                        [DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR], default loglevel is WARNING.
  --log-output-file USER_LOG_OUTPUT_FILE
                        Optional file to log output to.
  --aws-config-file AWS_CONFIG_FILE
                        AWS Configuration file to write to.
  --aws-output AWS_OUTPUT
                        Sets the output type for the AWS profile.
  --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE
                        AWS profile to save as in the credentials file.
  --aws-region AWS_REGION
                        Sets the region for the AWS profile.
  --aws-role-arn AWS_ROLE_ARN
                        Sets the IAM role.
  --aws-shared-credentials-file AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE
                        AWS credentials file to write to.
  --okta-org OKTA_ORG   Set the Okta Org base URL. This enables role auto-discovery
  --okta-tile OKTA_TILE
                        Okta tile URL to use.
  --okta-client-id OKTA_CLIENT_ID
                        For OIE enabled Orgs this sets the Okta client ID to replace the value found by tokendito. It is used in the authorize code flow.
  --okta-mfa OKTA_MFA   Sets the MFA method. You can also use the TOKENDITO_OKTA_MFA environment variable.
  --okta-mfa-response OKTA_MFA_RESPONSE
                        Sets the MFA response to a challenge. You can also use the TOKENDITO_OKTA_MFA_RESPONSE environment variable.
  --use-device-token    Use device token across sessions
  --quiet               Suppress output

Regarding the storage of the Okta password, we are fans of automation but do not recommend passing in the password to tokendito via plaintext or storing it in your environment locally.

Environment variables and user configuration

Tokendito supports the use of environment variables and user configuration equivalents to specify the default values for most options.


Credentials and configuration settings take precedence in the following order:

  1. Command line options -- Overrides settings in any other location. You can specify --username, --role-arn, --okta-tile, and --okta-mfa as parameters on the command line.
  2. Environment variables -- You can store values in your system's environment variables. It overrides the configuration file.
  3. User configuration file -- The user configuration file is updated when you run the command tokendito --configure. Tokendito uses platformdirs to store user configuration in the tokendito.ini file. This file can contain the credential details for the default profile and any named profiles.

Environment variables and user configuration table

The following table lists the environment variable and user configuration entry equivalent for the given command line option.

Command line option Environment variable User configuration
--username TOKENDITO_OKTA_USERNAME okta_username
--loglevel TOKENDITO_USER_LOGLEVEL loglevel
--log-output-file TOKENDITO_USER_LOG_OUTPUT_FILE log_output_file
--aws-config-file TOKENDITO_AWS_CONFIG_FILE aws_config_file
--aws-output TOKENDITO_AWS_OUTPUT aws_output
--aws-profile TOKENDITO_AWS_PROFILE aws_profile
--aws-region TOKENDITO_AWS_REGION aws_region
--aws-role-arn TOKENDITO_AWS_ROLE_ARN aws_role_arn
--aws-shared-credentials-file TOKENDITO_AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE aws_shared_credentials_file
--okta-org TOKENDITO_OKTA_ORG okta_org
--okta-tile TOKENDITO_OKTA_TILE okta_tile
--okta-mfa TOKENDITO_OKTA_MFA okta_mfa
--okta-mfa-response TOKENDITO_OKTA_MFA_RESPONSE okta_mfa_response
--use-device-token TOKENDITO_USER_USE_DEVICE_TOKEN user_use_device_token

Configuration file location

With Tokendito version 2.0 we changed the location of the configuration file from $HOME/.aws/okta_auth to be platform-independent, and following the standard location for configuration files in each supported platform. tokendito --help will show the exact location on your system.

  • On Linux: /home/<username>/.config/tokendito/tokendito.ini
  • On MacOS: /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/tokendito/tokendito.ini
  • On Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\tokendito\tokendito.ini

AWS Roles Discovery

Tokendito will discover all your available AWS Roles configured in Okta, returning a list for you to select from, simply by calling: tokendito --okta-org ${YOUR ORG OKTA URL}. For instance, tokendito --okta-org

Supported MFA methods

  • Native Okta factors (Push, phone call, SMS, TOTP) except Biometrics (FIDO WebAuthn) and Number Challenge
  • Google Authenticator TOTP
  • Duo Push, phone call, SMS, and TOTP


pip install --upgrade tokendito

Installing from GitHub

pip install git+ssh://<version>

For instance, pip install git+ssh://


Configuration issues with tokendito can usually be addressed by validating your environment's AWS configuration profile(s) located at:




Design and Limitations

  • This tool does not cache and reuse Okta session IDs.

Pull requests welcome!