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Token Recurring Billing Smart Contract Factory Documentation

This document describes how to work with the recurring billing smart contract factory and a recurring billing smart contract.

Table of Contents

Smart Contract Addresses


Testnet (Ropsten):

Please create an issue/pull request regarding deploying recurring billing smart contract factories for any other networks.

Recurring Billing Smart Contract Factory

Recurring billing smart contract factory allows to create recurring billing smart contracts for any ERC20-compatible tokens. Thus, you can enable recurring billing for your own tokens.

Creating a New Recurring Billing Smart Contract for Your Token

To create new recurring billing smart contract for your token, execute newRecurringBillingContract function in recurring billing smart contract factory, providing a token address as an argument. You can make this transaction from any account: this account won't be provided with any special control over the new recurring billing smart contract.

Once mined, check the event logs of the transaction and find NewRecurringBillingContractCreated(address token, address recurringBillingContract) event. This event has an address of the new recurring billing smart contract for your token (example for DREAM token: 9df38bdf603b36b8fe8040de760dfbb84ccefa6d is the new recurring billing contract address). You don't need to create more than 1 recurring billing smart contract for your token. However, in case you really need this you can publish more transactions to newRecurringBillingContract function, each one will create a new recurring billing smart contract.

You can use Etherscan or similar resources to find out event logs of past transactions and check whether recurring billing smart contract was created for your token.

Verifying Recurring Billing Smart Contract Code on Etherscan

Etherscan does not inherit verified smart contract code for newly created smart contracts yet, so you have to verify smart contract code manually. In order to verify the code of your newly created recurring billing smart contract, go to verify smart contract code on Etherscan and:

  1. Copy-paste the code from the smart contract factory. To make things more clear, you can delete contract RecurringBillingContractFactory definition from the code.
  2. In the Address input, put the address of your newly created recurring billing smart contract.
  3. In the Contract Name input, put TokenRecurringBilling.
  4. Select 0.5.2 as a compiler version.
  5. Select Yes for Optimization Enabled. Ensure that Runs says 200.
  6. In "Constructor Arguments ABI-encoded", put the newly created smart contract address as it appears in the NewRecurringBillingContractCreated event log. E.g. for DREAM token we had to put 0000000000000000000000009df38bdf603b36b8fe8040de760dfbb84ccefa6d (0x9df38bdf603b36b8fe8040de760dfbb84ccefa6d).
  7. Press Verify and Publish.

Using Recurring Billing Smart Contract

Once you've got the recurring billing smart contract address for your token, you can use it for your needs, it's permanent. Example: Recurring Billing for DREAM Token.


The recurring billing smart contract defines workflow between a merchant and a customer. Workflow:

  1. Merchant registers themselves in this smart contract using registerNewMerchant.
    1. Merchant specifies beneficiary address, which receives tokens.
    2. Merchant specifies merchant address, which is able to change merchant and beneficiary addresses.
    3. Merchant specified an address that is authorized to call charge related to this merchant.
      1. Later, merchant can (de)authorize another addresses to call charge using changeMerchantChargingAccount.
    4. As a result, merchant gets merchantId, which is used to initialize recurring billing by customers.
    5. Merchant account can change their beneficiary, merchant and authorized charging addresses by calling:
      1. Function changeMerchantAccount, which changes account that can control this merchant (merchantId).
      2. Function changeMerchantBeneficiaryAddress, which changes merchant's beneficiary.
      3. Function changeMerchantChargingAccount, which (de)authorizes addresses to call charge on behalf of this merchant.
  2. According to an off-chain agreement with merchant, customer calls allowRecurringBilling and:
    1. Specifies billingId, which is given off-chain by merchant (merchant will listen blockchain Event on this ID).
    2. Specifies merchantId, the merchant which will receive tokens.
    3. Specifies period in seconds, during which only one charge can occur.
    4. Specifies value, amount in tokens which can be charged each period.
      1. If the customer doesn't have at least value tokens, allowRecurringBilling errors.
      2. If the customer haven't approved at least value tokens for a smart contract, allowRecurringBilling errors.
    5. billingId is then used by merchant to charge customer each period.
  3. Merchant use authorized accounts (1.iii) to call the charge function each period to charge agreed amount from a customer.
    1. It is impossible to call charge if the date of the last charge is less than period.
    2. Calling charge cancels billing when called after 2 periods from the last charge.
    3. Thus, to successfully charge an account, charge must be strictly called within 1 and 2 periods after the last charge.
    4. Calling charge errors if any of the following occur:
      1. Customer canceled recurring billing with cancelRecurringBilling.
      2. Customer's balance is lower than the chargeable amount.
      3. Customer's allowance to the smart contract is less than the chargeable amount.
      4. Specified billingId does not exists.
      5. There's no period passed since the last charge.
    5. Next charge date increments strictly by period each charge, thus, there's no need to exec charge strictly on time.
  4. Customer can cancel further billing by calling cancelRecurringBilling and passing billingId.
  5. TokenRecurringBilling smart contract implements receiveApproval function for allowing/cancelling billing within one call from the token smart contract. Parameter data is encoded as tightly-packed (uint256 metadata, uint256 billingId).
    1. metadata is encoded using encodeBillingMetadata.
    2. As for receiveApproval, lastChargeAt in metadata is used as an action identifier.
    3. lastChargeAt=0 specifies that customer wants to allow new recurring billing.
    4. lastChargeAt=1 specifies that customer wants to cancel existing recurring billing.
    5. Make sure that passed bytes parameter is exactly 64 bytes in length.


The common automated setup for the recurring billing smart contract can be arranged like this:

  1. (One-time action) Merchant (a business representative) register themselves in a smart contract, determining which address will receive tokens and which address will be authorized to charge customers on behalf of merchant account.
  2. (One-time action) Merchant develops back end for recurring charges from authorized charging account. In short, back end publishes charge Ethereum transaction from charging account each time it sees BillingAllowed event or when the time allows to do the next charge. Additionally, back end can listen for BillingCharged event to strictly define the next charge date.
  3. (One-time action) Merchant develops front end for end users, primarily allowing them to call allowRecurringBilling function. Note that billing parameters should arrive and get validated on the back end. If billing parameters don't match with ones generated on a back end, merchant should not perform any charges.
  4. (Recurring) Each time there is a charge possible, back end charges customers using charge function.

More detailed description of how to work with these smart contracts is coming on the developer's Medium.