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pause logo in master branch
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chamspan committed Oct 5, 2013
1 parent 21ec071 commit 827b45d
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/js/dreambox.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -245,16 +245,16 @@
buttons.push(getButtonSet(cppaper,path_full,bx[i].x,bx[i].t,bx[i].b,function(){ fullImage(container); }));

var logo=cppaper.path(
Raphael.transformPath("M 55,65 a45,45 0,1,1 0,1 z M 115,10 A58,58 0,1,0 130,115 A62,62 0,1,1 115,10 z M 35,20 A80,80 0,1,0 166,65 A75,75 0,1,1 35,20 z",['T',10,0])+
Raphael.transformPath("M506 3408 c-14 -19 -16 -70 -16 -355 0 -320 1 -334 20 -353 11 -11 31 -20 45 -20 14 0 34 9 45 20 19 19 20 33 20 358 0 316 -1 340 -18 355 -27 25 -78 22 -96 -5z M3195 3400 c-14 -26 -15 -76 -13 -354 3 -302 4 -325 22 -345 24 -26 67 -27 89 -3 15 17 17 56 17 359 0 317 -1 341 -18 356 -10 10 -33 17 -50 17 -25 0 -35 -6 -47 -30z M255 3241 c-129 -34 -205 -136 -205 -276 0 -87 24 -150 80 -206 78 -78 197 -100 293 -55 l37 18 0 64 0 65 -29 -22 c-69 -51 -185 -28 -230 44 -47 76 -15 199 61 238 50 25 95 24 152 -5 l47 -24 -3 62 c-3 59 -4 62 -40 79 -42 21 -120 29 -163 18z M745 3226 l-26 -26 3 -246 c3 -230 4 -247 22 -260 26 -18 56 -18 84 2 22 15 22 18 22 263 0 266 -2 274 -52 286 -21 5 -33 1 -53 -19z M1213 3236 c-88 -28 -157 -99 -188 -194 -45 -135 38 -299 175 -347 74 -26 80 -23 80 39 0 52 -1 55 -30 61 -37 8 -76 39 -95 75 -24 46 -20 50 55 50 l70 0 0 50 0 50 -65 0 c-70 0 -74 4 -51 49 17 32 52 58 87 63 22 3 24 7 24 57 0 30 -4 56 -10 57 -5 1 -29 -3 -52 -10z M1310 3197 l0 -52 45 -19 c45 -18 85 -60 85 -90 0 -13 -12 -16 -65 -16 l-65 0 0 -50 0 -50 108 0 c132 0 152 10 152 73 -1 111 -106 227 -227 250 l-33 7 0 -53z M1798 3233 c-181 -60 -244 -313 -115 -460 72 -80 183 -113 278 -82 62 21 79 45 79 112 l0 59 -30 -26 c-76 -63 -201 -39 -247 47 -25 47 -22 125 6 170 49 80 159 100 235 42 l36 -27 0 59 c0 68 -13 86 -77 109 -50 17 -107 16 -165 -3z M2092 3234 c-22 -15 -22 -18 -22 -268 0 -232 1 -254 18 -269 24 -22 54 -21 83 2 l24 19 0 247 0 247 -24 19 c-28 23 -49 24 -79 3z M2299 3231 l-24 -19 0 -245 c0 -227 1 -246 19 -266 23 -26 67 -27 89 -3 15 16 17 50 17 265 0 234 -1 248 -20 267 -25 25 -51 25 -81 1z M2473 3230 l-43 -19 0 -56 c0 -54 6 -65 27 -44 5 5 34 9 63 7 45 -3 56 -7 74 -31 19 -26 22 -46 26 -201 4 -126 9 -178 19 -190 17 -20 60 -21 87 -2 17 13 19 31 24 189 5 158 7 178 26 204 17 23 30 29 69 31 60 4 91 -11 105 -51 5 -16 10 -101 10 -188 0 -146 2 -161 20 -179 27 -27 75 -26 94 2 13 18 16 55 16 198 0 97 -5 193 -11 215 -22 77 -106 135 -197 135 -41 0 -101 -30 -138 -69 l-28 -30 -29 34 c-19 24 -44 39 -79 50 -66 19 -84 19 -135 -5z M3430 3241 c-14 -4 -40 -16 -58 -25 -31 -16 -32 -19 -32 -76 0 -33 2 -60 5 -60 3 0 20 10 36 23 46 34 133 31 181 -5 72 -55 87 -163 33 -234 -44 -58 -137 -83 -191 -51 -12 6 -31 18 -43 25 -22 13 -22 13 -19 -50 l3 -63 45 -22 c88 -45 202 -23 284 55 131 126 103 371 -52 455 -53 29 -147 43 -192 28z M4446 3226 c-15 -14 -26 -31 -26 -39 0 -8 31 -58 69 -113 l69 -100 -55 -74 c-30 -41 -66 -94 -80 -118 l-26 -44 20 -26 c15 -20 29 -27 54 -27 33 0 39 7 191 220 87 121 164 235 173 252 18 37 9 65 -26 84 -38 20 -62 3 -117 -86 -30 -47 -55 -85 -57 -85 -2 0 -25 34 -52 77 -26 42 -50 80 -53 84 -3 4 -17 10 -32 14 -21 5 -33 1 -52 -19z M903 3223 c-20 -13 -23 -25 -23 -74 0 -53 10 -74 24 -50 3 4 22 11 42 14 46 8 74 33 74 67 0 53 -67 78 -117 43z M3994 3229 c-42 -12 -120 -83 -144 -129 -63 -123 -37 -269 61 -353 42 -36 114 -67 156 -67 21 0 23 4 23 59 0 58 -1 60 -30 66 -72 16 -129 107 -115 182 13 71 53 115 128 137 13 4 17 17 17 61 l0 55 -32 -1 c-18 0 -47 -5 -64 -10z M4110 3185 c0 -44 4 -57 18 -61 74 -22 114 -66 127 -137 14 -75 -43 -166 -115 -182 -29 -6 -30 -8 -30 -66 0 -55 2 -59 23 -59 73 0 181 69 216 139 65 127 40 268 -65 360 -47 41 -95 61 -146 61 -27 0 -28 -2 -28 -55z M4692 2895 c-18 -25 -32 -48 -32 -50 0 -9 73 -120 93 -142 40 -44 107 -19 107 40 0 18 -22 58 -62 112 -34 47 -65 85 -68 85 -3 0 -21 -20 -38 -45z M1438 2864 c-15 -8 -32 -23 -38 -34 -6 -11 -28 -25 -50 -31 l-40 -12 0 -54 c0 -61 6 -64 87 -37 62 20 117 58 131 89 14 30 1 69 -27 84 -25 14 -30 13 -63 -5z",['T',0,-7500,'S',0.04,-0.04,0,0]));


var setupOrigin=function(container,image){

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