This module allows you to do antenna simulations in Ruby using the nec2++ antenna simulation package. This is a wrapper using SWIG of the C interface, so the syntax is quite simple. Have a look at the file test.rb, for an example of how this library can be used.
Tim Molteno.
To use this ruby module, you must have the necpp library installed on your system. This can be installed in the main part of the necpp code distribution.
You should install SWIG (on Debian 'aptitude install swig ruby-dev'), and then issue the following commands
cd ext/necpp
swig -v -I../../../src -c++ -ruby necpp.i
ruby extconf.rb
sudo make install
Alternatively use the script.
cd ext/necpp
Then test with
ruby ../example/test.rb
Have a look in the directory genetic_optimizer for some Ruby code that optimizes antenna designs.