This is a parser for NEC antenna geometry files written for the ANTLR parser generator. At the moment it is rudimentary.
The goal is to update the NEC parser to handle a more modern grammar, and to allow useful things like multi-line comments e.t.c.
In addition, this will replace the terrible parser code that currently exists, and will hopefully catch errors like wires accidentally intersecting as at parse time.
Requires ANTLR
aptitude install libantlr-dev libantlr-java
Also requires lapack libraries.
aptitude install math-atlas-dev
Just build in the current directory
make test_clean
make test_all
The grammar is in the file nec.g. This is an ANTLR grammar for the existing NEC2 card deck for describing antennas.
The new language for nec++ will be more explicit and easy to read. It will also allow comments anywhere inside the code. In addition it will not depend on whitespace to skip over missing parameters, and therefore will be far more robust.
/* This is a comment */
geometry {
w0 = wire(start=[1,2,3], end=[2,3,4], r=0.01, n=5);
w1 = wire(start=w0.end, end=[2,3,5], r=0.01, n=5);
arc(origin=[0,1,2], arc_radius=1.0, r=0.01 );
ground {
excitation {
segment=w0.0; /* Segment indexing starts at 0 */
freq=range(start=1.575GHz, end=1.675GHz, n=5);
extended_thin_wire_kernel = false; /* default */
radiation_pattern {
mode = "normal";
theta = range(start=0.0, end=180, n=30);
phi = range(start=0.0, end=90, n=30);
Expression Syntax:
{ id = } TYPE([param=expression]*) ;