- London, United Kingdom
- http://nunojob.com
- @dscape
This repo intends to safely run JavaScript into a website using web workers
An open-source, in-house service platform with a PaaS-like workflow, built on Docker, CoreOS, Etcd and Fleet. This repository houses the documentation and installation scripts.
Recording and playback for testing against APIs
A search server that can be installed with npm
Superseded by browser-level. An abstract-leveldown compliant store on top of IndexedDB.
A window management application (replacement for Divvy/SizeUp/ShiftIt)
Simple HTTP server in node that doesnt respond - http://infiniterequest.com
beautiful charts in the terminal for static or streaming data
Puton is no longer maintained. Check out the PouchDB inspector for Chrome and PouchDB inspector for Firefox
neojski / todomvc
Forked from tastejs/todomvcHelping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for Backbone.js, Ember.js, AngularJS, Spine and many more
a framework to build cli applications that is designed to get out of your way
Dead simple copy paste from your shell to github gist
Streaming parser for the statsd protocol used in
dscape / lynx
Forked from lloyd/node-statsdnode.js client for Etsy'd StatsD server
a simple, customisable theme for your apache directory listing
Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.
Superseded by abstract-level. A wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores, for Node.js and browsers.
Cache your async lookups and don't fetch the same thing more than necessary.
TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
Forwards external public ports to internal ports without router access.
dscape / npm-www
Forked from visnup/npm-wwwThe not-couchapp bits of thew new npmjs.org (work in progress)