This project provides a means of archiving a Slack conversation or thread as markdown. For convenience it is installable as a gh
gh extension install
gh extension upgrade gh-slack
gh slack [OPTIONS] [Start]
Application Options:
-l, --limit= Number of _channel_ messages to be fetched after the starting message (all thread messages are fetched) (default: 20)
-v, --verbose Show verbose debug information
--version Output version information
-d, --details Wrap the markdown output in HTML <details> tags
-i, --issue= The URL of a repository to post the output as a new issue, or the URL of an issue to add a comment to that issue
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Start: Required. Permalink for the first message to fetch. Following messages are then fetched from that channel (or thread if applicable)
Many and varied, but at least:
- No paging is used when fetching messages, so if the conversation is too long the output will be truncated.
To release a new version, simply tag it. The goreleaser
workflow will take care of the rest. E.g:
git tag 0.0.6
git push origin 0.0.6