community: stop mentioning Git for Windows' Google Group
community: stop mentioning Git for Windows' Google Group
ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
fixup! ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
fixup! ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
fixup! ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
fixup! ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
fixup! ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
fixup! ci(link-check): mark outdated link check comments as such
Merge branch 'mark-outdated-link-checker-comments'
Merge branch 'mark-outdated-link-checker-comments'
Force push
Merge branch 'fix-non-English-progit-downloads' into gh-pages
Merge branch 'fix-non-English-progit-downloads' into gh-pages
Force push
Merge branch 'coding-guidelines-and-friends' into gh-pages
Merge branch 'coding-guidelines-and-friends' into gh-pages
Force push
community: use a shortcode...
community: use a shortcode...
Merge branch 'coding-guidelines-and-friends' into gh-pages
Merge branch 'coding-guidelines-and-friends' into gh-pages
Merge branch 'book-zh-tw' of bundle-zh-tw/zh-tw.bundle into fix-non-E…
Merge branch 'book-zh-tw' of bundle-zh-tw/zh-tw.bundle into fix-non-E…
10 days ago
ci(update-book): allow for unchanged translations when forcing a rebuild
ci(update-book): allow for unchanged translations when forcing a rebuild
Force push
ci(update-book): allow for unchanged translations when forcing a rebuild
ci(update-book): allow for unchanged translations when forcing a rebuild
Force push
ci(update-book): allow for unchanged translations when forcing a rebuild
ci(update-book): allow for unchanged translations when forcing a rebuild
ci(update-book): add back the download links for the non-English vers…
ci(update-book): add back the download links for the non-English vers…
Force push
ci(update-book): add back the download links for the non-English vers…
ci(update-book): add back the download links for the non-English vers…
Update manual pages (manually forced rebuild)
Update manual pages (manually forced rebuild)
docs: include more Git project-specific pages
docs: include more Git project-specific pages
Force push
docs: include more Git project-specific pages
docs: include more Git project-specific pages
Force push
docs: include more Git project-specific pages
docs: include more Git project-specific pages
ci: check for broken links
ci: check for broken links
Force push
Merge branch 'do-open-tickets-about-broken-links'
Merge branch 'do-open-tickets-about-broken-links'
Force push
Merge branch 'do-open-tickets-about-broken-links'
Merge branch 'do-open-tickets-about-broken-links'
Force push
ci: check for broken links
ci: check for broken links
Force push