Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
For fastlane installation instructions, see Installing fastlane
[bundle exec] fastlane mac sync_signing
Fetches and updates certificates and provisioning profiles for App Store distribution
[bundle exec] fastlane mac sync_signing_dmg_release
Fetches and updates certificates and provisioning profiles for DMG distribution
[bundle exec] fastlane mac sync_signing_dmg_review
Fetches and updates certificates and provisioning profiles for DMG Review builds
[bundle exec] fastlane mac sync_signing_ci
Fetches and updates certificates and provisioning profiles for CI builds
[bundle exec] fastlane mac release_testflight
Makes App Store release build and uploads it to TestFlight
[bundle exec] fastlane mac release_testflight_review
Makes App Store release build and uploads it to TestFlight
[bundle exec] fastlane mac promote_latest_testflight_to_appstore
Promotes the latest testflight build to appstore without submitting for review
[bundle exec] fastlane mac release_appstore
Makes App Store release build and uploads it to App Store Connect
[bundle exec] fastlane mac upload_metadata
Updates App Store metadata
[bundle exec] fastlane mac make_release_branch
Executes the release preparation work in the repository
[bundle exec] fastlane mac code_freeze
Executes the release preparation work in the repository
[bundle exec] fastlane mac bump_internal_release
Prepares new internal release on top of an existing one
[bundle exec] fastlane mac prepare_hotfix
Executes the hotfix release preparation work in the repository
[bundle exec] fastlane mac update_embedded_files
Updates embedded files and pushes to remote.
[bundle exec] fastlane mac set_version
Executes the release preparation work in the repository
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run.
More information about fastlane can be found on
The documentation of fastlane can be found on