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pyspark-bucketmap is a tiny module for pyspark which allows you to bucketize DataFrame rows and map their values easily.


pip install pyspark-bucketmap


from pyspark.sql import Row

people = spark.createDataFrame(
        Row(age=12, name="Damian"),
        Row(age=15, name="Jake"),
        Row(age=18, name="Dominic"),
        Row(age=20, name="John"),
        Row(age=27, name="Jerry"),
        Row(age=101, name="Jerry's Grandpa"),

Now, what we would like to do, is map each person's age to an age category.

age range life phase
0 to 12 Child
12 to 18 Teenager
18 to 25 Young adulthood
25 to 70 Adult
70 and beyond Elderly

We can use pyspark-bucketmap for this. First, define the splits and mappings:

from typing import List

splits: List[float] = [-float("inf"), 0, 12, 18, 25, 70, float("inf")]
mapping: Dict[int, Column] = {
    0: lit("Not yet born"),
    1: lit("Child"),
    2: lit("Teenager"),
    3: lit("Young adulthood"),
    4: lit("Adult"),
    5: lit("Elderly"),

Then, apply BucketMap.transform(df):

from pyspark_bucketmap import BucketMap
from typing import List, Dict

bucket_mapper = BucketMap(
    splits=splits, mapping=mapping, inputCol="age", outputCol="phase"
phases_actual: DataFrame = bucket_mapper.transform(people).select("name", "phase")
name phase
Damian Teenager
Jake Teenager
Dominic Young adulthood
John Young adulthood
Jerry Adult
Jerry's Grandpa Elderly




Module pyspark_bucketmap:

from import Bucketizer
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.column import Column

class BucketMap(Bucketizer):
    mapping: Dict[int, Column]

    def __init__(self, mapping: Dict[int, Column], *args, **kwargs):

    def transform(self, dataset: DataFrame, params: Optional[Any] = None) -> DataFrame:


Under the hood, uses a combination of pyspark's Bucketizer and pyspark.sql.functions.create_map. The code is 42 lines and exists 1 in file: To contribute, follow your preferred setup option below.

Option A: using a Devcontainer (VSCode only)

If you happen to use VSCode as your editor, you can open pyspark-bucketmap in a Devcontainer. Devcontainers allow you to develop inside a Docker container - which means all dependencies and packages are automatically set up for you. First, make sure you have the Remote Development extension installed.

Then, you can do two things.

  1. Click the following button:

    Open in Remote - Containers

  2. Or, clone and open up the repo in VSCode:

    git clone
    code pyspark-bucketmap

    (for this to work, make sure you activated VSCode's code CLI)

    Then, you should see the following notification:

    reopen in devcontainer

Now you should have a fully working dev environment working πŸ™ŒπŸ». You can run tests, debug code, etcetera. All dependencies are automatically installed for you.


Option B: installing the dependencies manually

Clone the repo and install the deps:

git clone
cd pyspark-bucketmap
pip install -r .devcontainer/requirements.txt
pip install -r .devcontainer/requirements-dev.txt
pip install .

Make sure you also have the following installed:

  • Python 3.9
  • OpenJDK version 11

Now, you should be able to run tests πŸ§ͺ:

pytest .



Created by Jeroen Overschie Β© 2022.