- Porto Alegre / RS / Brazil
- http://youtube.com/danielwildt
- @dwildt
- Pro
pythoncode-tutorials Public
Forked from x4nth055/pythoncode-tutorialsThe Python Code Tutorials
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2023 -
bankaccount-travis Public
Bank Account Travis CI
default-new-book-content Public
Forked from leanpub/default-new-book-contentThis repository contains some default content that can be added to a new Leanpub book so you can make your first book preview.
UpdatedAug 8, 2020 -
kotlinsandbox Public
Sandbox repo with my experiences learning kotlin
Kotlin MIT License UpdatedNov 24, 2019 -
rsjugbot Public
Forked from rsjug/rsjugbotBot para Telegram do RSJUG (@rsjugbot)
Java GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 6, 2019 -
go-workshop Public
Forked from diegogaulke/go-workshopMaterial para o workshop de Go
Go UpdatedOct 2, 2019 -
badCodeDojoJavaProblems Public
Code Samples to use in badcode Dojos / Exemplos de Código para usar em Badcode Dojos
BankAccount Public
Sample project to show examples regarding build files (ant), automated tests (ddtests, junit, emma), audit (pmd, cpd)
ong-boilerplate Public
Forked from matehackers/ong-boilerplateA quick way to make institutional sites
CSS UpdatedAug 5, 2013 -
en-us: Integrating TWebBrowser with Google Graph API // pt-br: Integrando TWebBrowser com API do Google Graph
Lord-of-the-Files Public
Forked from WiredEnterprise/Lord-of-the-FilesA repository for the article Lord of the Files: How GitHub Tamed Free Software (And More), published on Wired.com
gigante Public
Just a sample Ruby application while helping Edgar Silva to play with CoreRest
Ruby UpdatedAug 26, 2010 -
shorturl Public
Helper classes for shorturl services (i.e. migre.me, and others)
1 UpdatedJun 11, 2010 -
wildblog-rails Public
Sample Blog built in Rails - Focus: be deployed in Google App Engine
Ruby UpdatedMay 31, 2010 -
greenagile Public
Green Agile project: because you don't need paper to manage your Agile projects