pbrah / eap_proxy-udmpro
Forked from kangtastic/eap_proxyProxy EAP packets between interfaces on a general-purpose Linux system
This repository contains generated Go client for Istio resources
Native Ruby Access to Microsoft Active Directory
dwradcliffe / omniauth-ldap
Forked from omniauth/omniauth-ldapLDAP strategy for OmniAuth
dwradcliffe / stitch-rb
Forked from maccman/stitch-rbStitch ported to Ruby
dwradcliffe / active_admin
Forked from activeadmin/activeadminThe administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
dwradcliffe / request
Forked from request/requestSimplified HTTP request client.
A plugin for using plupload with rails 3
dwradcliffe / node-airbrake
Forked from airbrake/node-airbrakeNode.js client for, formerly hoptoad.
fourcolors / plupload-rails3
Forked from codeodor/plupload-rails3A plugin for using plupload with rails 3
A Spree extension to enable downloadable products
Devise Module for LDAP
Contact us form and admin interface for spree
Spree extension to create a homepage with "featured" products. NOTE: not maintained!
dwradcliffe / active_shipping
Forked from Shopify/active_shippingShipping API extension for Active Merchant.
Spree S3 Download Extension - modified to work better with 0.11
Devise Module for LDAP