En la consola de Chrome:
Te deja usar el chatbot.chat(JSON.stringify(Object.values(bot.players).map(({username, ping}) => ({username, ping}))))
Da el ping de todoswindow.bot.entity.position.y += 5
Saltosbot.chat(JSON.stringify(bot.findBlock({matching:(block) => block.name==='diamond_ore', maxDistance:256}).position))
finds the position of a diamond blockbot.physics.stepHeight = 2
Te deja ir sobre bloquesbot.physics.sprintSpeed = 5
Caminas mas rapidobot.loadPlugin(pathfinder.pathfinder)
thenbot.pathfinder.goto(new pathfinder.goals.GoalXZ(100, 100))
Va a la posicion 100, 100
For more debugging ideas, read the mineflayer doc.