ha ha ha
- china
for forked starred repositories
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dy008 / kernel
Forked from ophub/kernelThese kernels can be used on Armbian and OpenWrt systems.
jlinford / ha-gpio
Forked from thecode/ha-rpi_gpioHome Assistant GPIO Integration (libgpiod2)
Installer for a generic Linux system and TV box
radxa / u-boot
Forked from scorp2kk/u-bootU-Boot tree for pending commits
ESPHome custom component for Linptech G6L-Wifi doorbell (linp-doorbell-g04)
openshwprojects / OpenBL602
Forked from bouffalolab/bl_iot_sdkSDK used to build my Tasmota replacement for BL602/BL702 platform.
cary-sas / v2ray_bin
Forked from shuishou4184/v2ray_bin梅林380 固件的魔改科学上网插件
Imroy / pubsubclient
Forked from knolleary/pubsubclientA client library for the ESP8266 that provides support for MQTT
Chrome Apps