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Github Action that is designed to deploy previews of branches to single Amazon S3 bucket

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This is simple composite Github Action that is designed to deploy previews of branches to single Amazon S3 bucket, enabling multi-branch deployment workflows with logrotate of stale versions and easily managed CI\CD for your fronted projects. This action enables you to deploy multiple versions of your site, with each version corresponding to a different branch in your repository. It ensures that the latest commits are deployed, allowing you to track changes and compare different versions seamlessly.


Simple one step usage

There is simple way to use action with required arguments aws_region, aws_assume_role, aws_bucket, folder.


# Build your site with "npm run build" or the same command
- name: Build site
  run: npm run build

# Run action with minimal required argumetns
- name: Deploy
  id: deploy
  uses: dyadyaJora/s3-multibranch-deploy-preview@main
    aws_region: "us-east-1" # your AWS region
    aws_assume_role: "${{ secrets.ASSUME_ROLE }}" # AWS IAM Role with access to bucket
    aws_bucket: "my-site-bucket-name" # bucket for site
    folder: "build" # folder with build files

# Now deployed version is available by outputs "${{steps.deploy.outputs.preview_url}}"
- name: Print link
    run: |
    echo "Docs deploy is available at ${{steps.deploy.outputs.preview_url}}"

Usage with prefix pregeneration and PR comments

In some cases it is required to build static site with pregenerated prefix and then use it prefix and then create comment with preview link.


# this permissions is required to allow create comments in requests
  issues: write
  pull-requests: write
# ...
- name: Generate prefix
  id: prefix
  uses: dyadyaJora/s3-multibranch-deploy-preview@main
    generate_prefix: true

- name: Build site
  run: npm run build --if-present
    BASE_URL: "${{ steps.prefix.outputs.prefix }}"

- name: Deploy
  id: deploy
  uses: dyadyaJora/s3-multibranch-deploy-preview@main
    aws_region: "${{ env.AWS_REGION }}"
    aws_assume_role: "${{ secrets.ASSUME_ROLE }}"
    aws_bucket: "${{ env.BUCKET_NAME }}"
    prefix: ${{ steps.prefix.outputs.prefix }}
    folder: "build"
    github_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
    enable_comment: "true"

- name: Print preview link
  run: |
    echo "Docs deploy is available at ${{steps.deploy.outputs.preview_url}}"
# ...

Key concepts

This action was build on top of:

If you are building or planning to build your website and CI/CD process using the listed technologies, this action can significantly automate the deployment of your previews.

The action allows you to deploy your site's content per branch, commit, or pull request in a hierarchical structure and generate a preview link in the format http://{bucketOrigin}/{branchName}/{commitHash}/your.html. For pull requests preview link could be added in comment if github_token input would be provided to action and this token would have right permissions to write to PR.

This application uses its configuration file .branches to track the automatically uploaded content.

For convenience and usability, it is recommended to use AWS S3 Explorer in your test bucket, which allows you to navigate the bucket's content, search for the necessary branches and commits, and view specific deployed versions.

The file structure in the Amazon interfaces and the S3 JavaScript explorer is shown below.




How to use

Current examples of usage could be found for:


Input Parameters

Parameter Name Example Values Detailed Description
aws_region us-east-1 AWS region where the S3 bucket is located. Default is us-east-1.
aws_assume_role arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role ARN of the role to be assumed for AWS operations.
aws_bucket my-s3-bucket Name of the S3 bucket where the site will be deployed.
folder ./site Folder containing the static site files to be deployed to the S3 bucket.
max_branch_deployed 50 Maximum number of branches to be deployed. Default is 50.
max_commit_per_branch_deployed 10 Maximum number of commits per branch to be deployed. Default is 10.
prefix my-prefix Prefix path for the base URL of the deployed site.
generate_prefix true Whether to generate a prefix for each branch. Default is false.
enable_comment true Flag to enable comments with preview link to PRs. Default is true.
github_token string GitHub token, requried to create PR comments with generated preview URL. Required when enable_comment is true

Output Parameters

Parameter Name Example Values Detailed Description
preview_url URL of the deployed preview.
prefix branch-name Generated prefix for the deployed branch.


Github Action that is designed to deploy previews of branches to single Amazon S3 bucket







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