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A tool for using Docker containers as environments


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Dock defines a number of sub-commands to help use Docker containers as environments.

An example usage would be when downloading a Rust project that has defined a dock.yaml and build.Dockerfile. Building such a project should be as easy as running the following command:

dock run-in build cargo build

Dock takes care of re-creating the build environment and all the required system dependencies using the build.Dockerfile, and runs cargo build in that environment. Using directory and user "mounting" (configured using dock.yaml), the artifacts built inside the container should be available as if they had been built on the host, and with the expected user permissions (i.e. the created files will be owned by the local user, rather than root). Dedicated cache volumes and other utilities are also available in order to speed up the development loop.

See for a series of articles discussing the ideas captured by this project.


  • dock init initialises a directory to be used with dock, usually by adding a new dock.yaml and build.Dockerfile, which are pre-configured for a given programming language.
  • dock run-in runs once-off commands in a given container environment, and is generally expected to be run in a CI (non-interactive) environment.
  • dock shell spawns a shell in a given container environment, and is generally expected to be run locally (in an interactive environment).
  • dock rebuild is intended to be used like docker build, but removes the old image associated with the given tag if the build is successful.

Where should Dock be run?

dock rebuild and dock run-in should ideally be used in both local development environments and in build pipelines. This can simplify and speed up development, as well as making it easier to run local code in the same way as it runs in the build pipeline, which can help debug issues in the build pipeline.

dock init and dock shell are primarily intended to be run in local development environments.

dock can be used to build images for production use, but it shouldn't be used to directly run production services. This is because the features that it provides are primarily for speeding up development, particularly through the use of bind mounts (volumes are generally more appropriate for production scenarios). Instead, a dedicated container orchestrator like Docker Compose should be used for this purpose.


The simplest way to install Dock at present is to build a release version of this project using the steps outlined in the "Release" section, and then add it to your PATH:

bash scripts/ "$ARCH"
sudo install target/"$ARCH"/release/dock /usr/local/bin



dock runs the shell subcommand by default if no subcommand is given.

dock init

dock init takes a template name, which is usually the name of a programming language, and initialises the current directory for use with Dock. This will usually result in a new dock.yaml and build.Dockerfile being added to the current directory. For example:

$ find .

$ cargo run
The program 'cargo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install cargo

$ dock init rust
Created './Cargo.toml'
Skipped './src'
Skipped './src/'
Created './build.Dockerfile'
Created './dock.yaml'

$ dock run-in build-env: cargo run
   Compiling proj v0.0.1 (/app)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.00s
     Running `target/debug/proj`
hello, world!

dock rebuild

dock rebuild takes the same arguments as docker build, but requires the first argument to be an image name:

dock rebuild ezanmoto/ -f build.Dockerfile .
dock rebuild ezanmoto/ - < build.Dockerfile

This "rebuilds" the image by building a new image with the given name, and removing the old image with the same name, if any. This can allow developers to more easily build images repeatedly without leaving unnamed images behind. See Docker Build --replace for more details on this concept.

Container removal

By default, docker build removes intermediate containers after a successful build, but leaves them after a failed build. dock rebuild is intended to be used for repeated rebuilds of Docker images, without leaving unused images and containers behind. As such, the default behaviour of dock rebuild is to always remove intermediate containers regardless of the build result.

dock run-in

dock run-in runs a shell command in a Docker "environment". For example, consider the following definition of a project whose build environment is defined in a separate build.Dockerfile, and which also has the following dock.yaml:

schema_version: '0.1'
organisation: ezanmoto
project: dock
default_shell_env: build

  build: {}

Running dock run-in build make or dock run-in build-env: make (see "Extended environment flag", below) will do the following, in order:

  1. Rebuilds the Docker image ezanmoto/ from a local build.Dockerfile, if it needs to be rebuilt.
  2. Runs make in a new container created from ezanmoto/

The container is run with --rm, so it is automatically removed after the command finishes.

NOTE For efficiency, dock run-in passes an empty context to docker build when rebuilding images, to avoid the latency incurred by sending the context to the Docker daemon. A context directory can be passed by configuring the context field as outlined in the next section.


Extra parameters can be provided to the underlying docker run command using the environment block. All fields in the environment block are optional.

schema_version: '0.1'
organisation: ezanmoto
project: dock
default_shell_env: build

    context: ./scripts

    workdir: /app

    - --build-arg=USER_ID=1000

    - --env=XDG_CACHE_HOME=/tmp/cache
    - --group-add=test


    - user
    - group
    - project_dir
    - docker

      tmp: /tmp/cache
      pkg: /go/pkg

    # NOTE `mounts` work with "nested" Docker instances; see below for more
    # details.
      ./relative/path: /inner/path

    shell: /bin/bash
  • default_shell_env: This is the environment that dock shell will spawn a shell in if no environment is provided.
  • context: dock run-in passes an empty context when rebuilding the Docker image by default. This field can be used to specify a directory to send to the Docker daemon as the context.
  • workdir: This defines the directory that the command is run in inside the container.
  • build_args: These arguments are passed to the underlying docker build command in the same order.
  • run_args: These arguments are passed to the underlying docker run command in the same order.
  • env: These environment variable definitions are exported inside the Docker container.
  • mount_local.user: This performs "local user mapping", so that the command run inside the container is run with the user ID of the user running dock. Note that this ID is discovered using the id program, and so, a failure may occur if the id program isn't found.
  • This is similar to mount_local.user, but uses the local user's group ID instead of their user ID. It requires that mount_local.user is also specified.
  • mount_local.project_dir: This mounts the local project directory, i.e. the directory that dock.yaml is defined in, to the workdir path inside the container. This also works in "nested" Docker scenarios, as described in the "mounts" section, below.
  • mount_local.docker: This mounts the default local Docker socket file inside the container and, inside the container, adds the user to the owner group for the host socket file.
  • cache_volumes: This creates a new volume at the given path, but recursively changes the permissions of the path to have open (0777) permissions. See the "cache_volumes" section, below, for more details.
  • mounts: This section defines bind mounts, where the source paths are relative to the directory containing dock.yaml (as opposed to being defined using absolute paths). These can also allow for bind mounts in "nested" Docker scenarios, where the Docker server is made available to a container by enabling nested_docker. See the "mounts" section, below, for more details.
  • shell: This defines the shell to run for dock shell.

The mounts section provides a shortcut for bind-mounting files and directories that are defined relative to dock.yaml. In addition, "nested" bind mounts can be made possible with this approach, as described in the rest of this section.

With the regular operation of Docker, bind mounts are defined such that the source path is an absolute path on the Docker host, which is generally sufficient when the container is being run "directly" on the host. However, a container may be run in a "nested" context. For example, a CI system may define its build agent as a Docker container, which may want to run further Docker containers. A recommended approach to this nested Docker (or "Docker-in-Docker") setup is to, instead of installing a nested Docker server, bind-mount the socket of the Docker server running on the host.

One caveat of this approach is when using bind mounts for simplifying the Docker build process, as described in Docker for the Build Process. In this scenario, absolute paths in the build agent container don't map to absolute paths on the host environment, and so, bind mounts can't be used for the innermost containers.

dock defines a DOCK_HOSTNAMES environment variable to track what bind-mounts are available in a container, and can use this to map paths from inside containers, back to the actual paths on the host. This can allow bind-mounting to be utilised to any depth of container nesting, as long as all paths are reachable on the host.


cache_volumes exists to help in scenarios where a volume should be available to a container, but where the container is run with a non-root user. Before a container is run by dock, dock recursively updates the permissions of volume directories to be open (0777), so that they can be written to by non-root users.

The reason for this functionality is because, by default, volumes created by docker are owned by root, and so can't generally be written to by non-root users. Solving this can be tricky when wanting to run a container with a non-root user, because changing the directory permissions requires root permissions. Switching between users is possible during a docker build, but it's generally not recommended to mount volumes during docker build, so the solution ideally happens after this. Different options are possible, such as using sudo, su, scripts with sticky bits, or possibly using BuildKit, but cache_volumes can be used as a general, image-independent mechanism to handle this scenario.


  • --debug/-D: This will cause dock run-in to output the Docker commands that dock run-in runs, as well as the output of those commands, as they're being run. This can be useful, for example, to see the output of the "rebuild" step as it happens, as this step is usually hidden unless an error occurs.
  • --skip-rebuild/-R: This will skip the rebuild step that otherwise happens before the command is run.
  • --tty/-T: This will allocate a pseudo-TTY (PTY) for the container, so the command should behave as if it's running interactively.

Default flags

Behind the scenes, dock run-in passes the following to docker run by default:

  • --rm: This ensures that containers are destroyed once they finish executing.
  • --init: This "ensures the usual responsibilities of an init system, such as reaping zombie processes, are performed inside the created container."

Extended environment flag

dock run-in allows providing the name of the environment with an -env: suffix. This is somewhat unconventional and may be considered inconsistent with the established conventions for the layout of UNIX commands and their arguments. Furthermore, it goes against the Pythonic principle that is adopted by many developers of having "one way to do it." While all of this is true, the practicality of the approach is that it may improve the readability of dock usage in scripts. Consider the following:

dock run-in build cargo build
dock run-in sh -c 'npm i && npm run build'

While this on its own may not be considered too unreadable, the readability may be improved with the -env: suffix, which highlights as the name of an environment, and delineates between the "context" of the command (the part before the :), and the command to be run in the containerised environment:

dock run-in build-env: cargo build
dock run-in sh -c 'npm i && npm run build'

Note that other approaches, like the use of line splitting in shell scripts, may be used to achieve equivalent results using more conventional means:

dock run-in build \
    cargo build

dock run-in \
    sh -c 'npm i && npm run build'

dock shell

dock shell has the same behaviour as dock run-in, but instead of running a single command, spawns a new shell in the Docker "environment". If a dock.yaml file contains an environment called build, then dock shell build will start a new shell in that environment. dock shell on its own will start a shell in the default_shell_env.

Default flags

Behind the scenes, dock shell passes the same default flags to docker run as dock run-in, and also passes the following:

  • --network=host: This allows services run inside the container to be accessed as if they were running on the host.

dock clean

dock clean removes all images and cache volumes associated with the current project.


Build environment

The build environment for the project is defined in build.Dockerfile. The build environment can be replicated locally by following the setup defined in the Dockerfile, or Docker can be used to mount the local directory in the build environment by running the following:

bash scripts/ bash


Note that the environment variable DOCK_DEFAULT_TEMPLATES_SOURCE must be set in order to build the project.

The project can be built locally using cargo build --locked, or can be built using Docker by running the following:

bash scripts/ cargo build --locked


The project can be tested locally using just check, or the tests can be run using Docker by running the following:

bash scripts/ just check

A subset of integration tests can be run by passing name patterns to just:

just check add

The commands above will run all integration tests whose name contains "add".


Release binaries are built using with a cross target:

bash scripts/ x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

Note that the generated file is currently owned by root, so permissions will need to be changed to make it accessible by other users.