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File metadata and controls

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Easy JAIL for ExpressionEngine

ExpressionEngine Plugin to automate use of the jQuery Asynchronous Image Loader


First off, this plugin requires jQuery. Using it requires 2 steps:

Step 1: Wrap the markup you want to JAIL in {exp:easy_jail:prep}


This will cause the plugin to convert

<img src="foo.png" alt=""/>


<img class="jail" src="" data-src="foo.png" alt=""/>
<noscript><img src="foo.png" alt=""/></noscript>

Providing it with additional params allows you to customize certain bits:

  • xhtml="n" - HTML output
  • blank_img="my_blank.gif" - Your custom blank image
  • class_name="custom_class" - Your custom class choice

Step 2: Include {exp:easy_jail:js} at the end of your body element, after you included jQuery.

<script src="//"></script>
<script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="/j/jquery.js"><\/script>')</script>

By default, this will include the JAIL script and a baseline configuration. To configure the output of the script, you can use the following parameters:

  • class_name="custom_class" - Your custom class choice
  • config="{offset:300}" - Your custom configuration (see the JAIL documentation for a run-down of options)


Easy JAIL for ExpressionEngine and jQuery JAIL are both distributed under the liberal MIT License.