- Prague, CZE
Design patterns implemented in Java
A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
React Native Local and Remote Notifications
A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples
Navigation tab bar with colorful interactions.
A library that gives depth to Views.
A high performance replicated log service. (The development is moved to Apache Incubator)
View Inspection Toolbar for Android Development
Tool for create complex morphing animations using VectorDrawables (allows morphing between any pair of SVG images)
Android Boilerplate project using RxJava, Dagger 2, Espresso, Mockito + more!
This sample project shows how to apply MVP and Clean architecture on an Android app
Rapidoid - Extremely Fast, Simple and Powerful Java Web Framework and HTTP Server!
A material Date Range Picker based on wdullaers MaterialDateTimePicker
Steppers view library for Android, based on Google Material design guidelines
Contributions, stars, followers, trending etc. on Github.