π Online web tools and blog system with advanced features.
π How to Install
Create a database and upload "database.sql" into this.
Fill the database settings in "core/dbConnect.php"
Fill the areas below in "core/functions.php"
$googleApiKey = ""; // Google page speed API key.
$token = ""; //Discord bot token.
$githubToken = ""; //Github API key.
$weatherApiKey = ""; // Weather API key from https://openweathermap.org/api.
$siteLink = ""; // Your website URL without http/s.
$mailHost = ""; // Mail host for contact forms.
$mailUsername = ""; // Mail username for contact forms.
$mailPassword = ""; // Mail password for contact forms.
πͺ Some Features
- When you add a blog post, sitemap automatically updates and sends to google for index.
- You can add editor from panel for blog system. (Editors can only share a post, edit and delete.)
- Detailed statistics page with graphs.
- Live preview before sharing blog posts.
- Similar post suggest for blog.
- Automatic rss feed for Google News.
- Almost everything can change from the panel.
- Spam check on login page with captcha.
- Contact forms for communication with users.
- Supports external code adding. (Google analytics, adsense etc.)
- Close using of tools by one click from the panel.
- Automatic meta settings.
- IP block by one click.
- Note system for admin.
- Full automatic system.
- Fully mobile compatible.
π Panel Login Information
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
βοΈ Some Tools
- Website Screenshot
- Whois Query
- Live Preview Text Editor
- Currency
- Github Repository Lister
- Github Profile Information
- Weather Forecast
- Website Source Code and more...
π Images from Project
A tool example:
π Page speed statistics:
- Desktop:
- Mobile: