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A PowerShell module that finds files, file content, folders and their information in a really fast and easy way! Similiar to linux/unix find, grep and du commands.


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A PowerShell module that finds files and directories as well as file content and file and directory information the quick and easy way!



Take at look at the Changelog for latest changes.

PowerShell Linux/Unix Description
psfind -> Find-Item find psfind is similiar to linux/unix find command
psgrep -> Find-ItemContent grep psgrep is similiar to linux/unix grep command
pssize -> Get-ItemSize du pssize is similiar to linux/unix du command
CmdLet Command Description
psfind psfind Without parameter psfind returns all items (files, junctions, directories...) with full path in current directory
pssize pssize `Without parameter psfind rUses all items (files, junctions, directories...) in current directory and return size in MB
psgrep psgrep 'test' returns all files where 'test' was found in format filename: line in the current directory

๐Ÿ“ The functions of the module do not run with Windows PowerShell, they require at least PowerShell > 6.0 or a newer version. The latest, stable PowerShell version is always recommended

As a person who works a lot with Linux distributions and had not found a way on Windows to find files or folders or their information in a FAST way, I developed this module or functions. At the beginning I was looking for an alternative to the Linux find and developed Find-Item.

Of course, all the functions in this module will be working on Windows, Linux and macOS.

Get-ChildItem works great to get an overview of current files and folders, but is very, very slow when dealing with a lot of filesystem objects. So I decided to use the .NET api directly and used only the functionalities I really need for the particular case.

Since then, I don't have to bother with the Windows Explorer built-in search or struggle around with slowly calling Get-ChildItem.

The term "item" in PSItems or also the individual function names is a collective term for all file system objects, such as files and directories. Therefore, for example, the function is called Find-Item and not Find-File, because with it also junctions, directories, shortcuts etc. can be found.


๐Ÿ“ This module is currently under construction and therefore in BETA. The already integrated functions work basically but can still have errors.

  • Tests
    • Add Pester Tests for Get-ItemSize and Find-Item and Find-ItemContent
      • Windows
        • in progress
      • Linux
      • macOS
        • in progress
  • Documentation
    • Update documentation for functions with more, detailed examples
      • Find-Item
      • Get-ItemSize
      • Find-ItemContent
  • Security
    • Add code scanning using github workflow
  • New functions and features
    • Further functions around FileSystem objects will be integrated if required. Suggestions are welcome


Installation of this module is straight forward, just install it and import it.

Install-Module -Name PSItems
Import-Module -Name PSItems


The usage and a few examples can be found in the documentation folder or by using the Get-Help cmdlet.

Cmdlet Description Documentation
Find-Item Simple and fast function for finding any item on the filesystem (like find on linux/unix) Find-Item
Get-ItemSize Simple and fast function for getting the size of any item on the filesystem (like du on linux/unix) Get-ItemSize
Find-ItemContent Simple and fast function for finding any given string (regex pattern) in files on the filesystem (like grep on linux/unix) Find-ItemContent


Get functions of module:

Get-Command -Module PSItems -CommandType All
CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Alias           psfind -> Find-Item                                0.3.1      PSItems
Alias           psgrep -> Find-ItemContent                         0.3.1      PSItems
Alias           pssize -> Get-ItemSize                             0.3.1      PSItems
Alias           search -> Find-Item                                0.3.1      PSItems
Alias           size -> Get-ItemSize                               0.3.1      PSItems
Function        Find-Item                                          0.3.1      PSItems
Function        Find-ItemContent                                   0.3.1      PSItems
Function        Get-ItemSize                                       0.3.1      PSItems


Get help of function:

Get-Help Find-Item

    Simple and fast function for finding any item on the filesystem (like find on linux/unix)

    Find-Item [[-Path] <String>] [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Type <String>] [-Recurse] [-IgnoreInaccessible <Boolean>] [-As <String>] [-MatchCasing <String>] [-AttributesToSkip <String[]>] [-MatchType
    <String>] [-Depth <Int32>] [-ReturnSpecialDirectories] [<CommonParameters>]

Testing and Speed

Testsystem was a windows 10 Lenovo T480 (SSD + Indexing disabled).

1 - Windows directory recursively - Return FullName strings

Returned will be an array of the path of all files (FullName).

Measure-Command { $windir = search C:\Windows\ '*' -Recurse -AttributesToSkip 0 }

Finding all items (files, directories...) in C:Windows directory including all subdirectories (-Recurse) as well as hidden and system files (-AttributesToSkip 0) using the Find-Item function

The alias search was used and for the -Path (C:\windows) and -Name ('*') parameter the first and second position were used:


In about 1 minute the function found all files, directories etc. in the complete windows directory and returned an array of all item FullName properties.

2 - Windows directory recursively - Return FileInfo objects

Returned will be an array of objects (FileInfo) of all items. Same as using Get-ChildItem.

Measure-Command { $windir = search C:\Windows\ '*' -Recurse -AttributesToSkip 0 -As FileInfo }

Finding all items (files, directories...) in C:Windows directory including all subdirectories (-Recurse) as well as hidden and system files (-AttributesToSkip 0) using the Find-Item function.

The alias search was used and for the -Path (C:\windows) and -Name ('*') parameter the first and second position were used:

image image

In about 2 minutes the function found all files, directories etc. in the complete windows directory and returned an array of FileInfo objects of all items with all properties. As with Get-ChildItem, you can simply continue to use the individual objects.


The goal of this project is to write simple but (very) fast functions for finding (and perhaps managing) FileSystem Objects and their information.

Additional features or capabilities that benefit the community are welcome.

If you find bugs, please report them on the issues page or, if you can, open a pull request directly with a solution. If you have a good idea for improving individual features or for new features, feel free to let me know as well.