knapsack_pro-ruby Public
Forked from KnapsackPro/knapsack_pro-rubyKnapsack Pro gem splits tests across parallel CI nodes and makes sure that tests run in optimal time
Ruby MIT License UpdatedDec 18, 2024 -
k8s-ruby Public
Forked from k8s-ruby/k8s-rubyKubernetes Ruby Client
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 28, 2023 -
slack-pull-reminder Public
Posts a reminder to Slack with a list of open pull requests for an organization.
namae Public
Forked from berkmancenter/namaeNamae (名前) parses personal names and splits them into their component parts.
Ruby UpdatedMar 28, 2023 -
slack-irc Public
Connects Slack and IRC channels by sending messages back and forth.
rust-rocksdb Public
Forked from rust-rocksdb/rust-rocksdbrust wrapper for rocksdb
distributary Public
Forked from mit-pdos/noriaA data-flow based database with automatic materialization
check-env Public
Makes sure that all required environment variables are set.
get-stdin Public
Forked from sindresorhus/get-stdinGet stdin as a string or buffer
unicode-style Public
Format text using unicode characters
medium-draft Public
Forked from brijeshb42/medium-draft📝 A medium like Rich Text Editor built on draft-js with a focus on keyboard shortcuts.
pdf-word-count Public
Displays the number of lines, words, and characters in a PDF — work in progress
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proselint Public
Forked from amperser/proselintA linter for prose.
trawler Public
Forked from jonhoo/trawlerWorkload generator that emulates the traffic pattern of lobste.rs
tsunami Public
Forked from jonhoo/tsunamiRust crate for spawning short-lived clusters of EC2 spot instances
rocksdb Public
Forked from facebook/rocksdbA library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
distributary-mysql Public
Forked from mit-pdos/noria-mysqlMySQL/MariaDB protocol shim for Soup
HdrHistogram_rust Public
Forked from HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram_rustA port of HdrHistogram to Rust
flamescope Public
Forked from Netflix/flamescopeFlameScope is a visualization tool for exploring different time ranges as Flame Graphs.
rusqlite Public
Forked from rusqlite/rusqliteErgonomic bindings to SQLite for Rust
nom-sql Public
Forked from ms705/nom-sqlRust SQL parser written using nom
rust-zookeeper Public
Forked from bonifaido/rust-zookeeperPure Rust library for Apache ZooKeeper built on MIO
bibtex-search Public
Search for BibTeX references
arccstr Public
Forked from jonhoo/arccstrThread-safe, reference-counted null-terminated immutable Rust strings.
taster Public
Forked from ms705/tasterAutomatic performance regression tests for Rust code
libc Public
Forked from rust-lang/libcRaw bindings to platform APIs for Rust