If you have go installed in your system is very easy. Just run in your console:
go install github.com/k23dev/xextractor@latest
If you dont have go. What are you waiting for? go for it go oficial site download and in windows is just next next next and thats it!
You can add the path and thats it
otherwise you cant download the packet and build or use it like and script running
git clone https://github.com/k23dev/xextractor
cd xextractor
go run . [flags]
Simple and super fast
go run . -file [PATH_TO_FILE]
go run . -file [PATH_TO_FILE] -o [PATH] -ex [MODE: email|domain|x]
go run . -file [PATH_TO_FILE] -o [PATH]
create a .txt file with this format:
[rulename1] = [regex1]
[rulename2] = [regex2]
go run . -file [PATH_TO_FILE] -o [PATH] -dic [PATH_TO_DIC_FILE] -ex [YOUR_CUSTOM_RULE]
Default 200 MB
go run . -file [PATH_TO_FILE] -buffer [SIZE_IN_MB]
go run . -clean [PATH_TO_FILE]