Hosted demo, with SSR and caching using hyperactiv/react.
This demo is basically a website mining the json placeholder api.
While browsing the website, pay attention to the fact that:
Requests are cached by default and only replayed whenever needed
You can refetch data, and the loading state is handled
It is server side rendered
Mutating the store using the editable input fields or the console triggers a rendering
git clone
pnpm i
or npm i
or yarn
npm run dev
Dev mode, served by node.js on http://localhost:5001
, with SSR and hot reload.
npm run build
Lint & Build the sources.
npm run prod
Prod mode, builds then starts the node.js backend that serves optimized HTML & JS using SSR on http://localhost:5001
// The store is bound to window.__STORE__
// You can toy with it to see how it reflects in the components re-rendering.
// Examples:
__STORE__.posts[2] = {"userId":1,"id":2,"title":"Lorem ipsum","body":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."}
__STORE__.posts[1].title = "Hello"
delete __STORE__.__requests__['get@']