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Yuka Game AI + Babylon.js Typescript Starter

Based on and

Getting started

To run the basic scene:

  1. Clone / download this repository
  2. run npm install to install the needed dependencies.
  3. run npm start
  4. A new window should open in your default browser. if it doesn't, open http://localhost:8080

Running npm start will start the webpack dev server with hot-reloading turned on. Open your favorite code editor and start editing, that's all.

The entry point for the entire TypeScript application is ./src/index.ts. Any other file imported in this file will be included in the build.

To debug, open the browser's dev tool. Source maps are ready to be used. In case you are using VSCode, simply run the default debugger task (Launch Chrome against localhost) while making sure npm start is still running. This will allow you to debug your application straight in your editor.

For more information about Typescript setup please refer to the base Typescript project at

For more examples please have a look at the JS based examples located at

Adding a new scene

! Subject to change !

  1. Create the directory/directories in the public folder for the index.html file.
  2. Create the directory/directories in the src/scenes folder for the index.ts and additional ts files.
  3. Modify webpack.common.js and duplicate the HtmlWebpackPlugin block in the plugins object and replace the filename with the name you will use in the url. Set template path to the index.html on the filesystem.
  4. Access your new scene at http://localhost:8080/filename-set-in-webpack?scene=path/to/index.ts of your scene without the ts suffix


The scene entrypoint index.ts is located in src/scenes/steering/arrive/. The index.html is located in public/steering/arrive/.

new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
    inject: true,
    filename: 'steering-arrive.html',
    template: path.resolve(appDirectory, 'public/steering/arrive/index.html'),

URL will be: http://localhost:8080/steering-arrive.html?scene=steering/arrive/index

Best practices

  1. try to avoid parented TransformNodes with YUKA. YUKA will place your object in world space.Use YUKA's parenting instead.
  2. you must scale, rotate and position your mesh before registering it as a YUKA renderComponent and bake the transformations into the vertices and freeze the world matrix of your mesh before doing so.
  3. you must register your Mesh/TransformNode/Camera on the YUKA entity by setting it as a renderComponent and pass the syncFunction which will take care of syncing your BabylonJS object's position/rotation/scaling into with the YUKA world's position.
const entity = new YUKA.GameEntity()
entity.setRenderComponent(mesh, syncFunction)
  1. syncFunctions: For syncing a TransformNode with the YUKA entity use this method:
private _sync(entity: YUKA.GameEntity, renderComponent: TransformNode) {
   Matrix.FromValues(...(entity.worldMatrix.elements as FlatMatrix4x4)).decomposeToTransformNode(renderComponent)

If it doesn't work for you try this one:


For the camera use this:

private _syncCamera(entity: YUKA.GameEntity, camera: Camera) {
    camera.getViewMatrix().copyFrom(Matrix.FromValues(...(entity.worldMatrix.elements as FlatMatrix4x4)).invert())
  1. you must register your YUKA entity in the YUKA.EntityManager with it's add function
  2. you must update the YUKA EntityManager's time (make steps in YUKA world) to make things moving like this:
private _time: YUKA.Time = new YUKA.Time()
this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(() => {
    const delta = this._time.update().getDelta()
    this._entityManager.update(delta) // YUKA world step



Yuka Game AI + Babylon.js Typescript Starter




