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Community and Safety WG

Oversees removal/bans from community.


Avatar Name Role Time Zone
@ckerr Charles Kerr @ckerr Member CT (New Orleans)
@clavin Calvin Watford @clavin Member MST (Salt Lake City)
@erickzhao Erick Zhao @erickzhao Member PT (Vancouver)
@codebytere Shelley Vohr @codebytere Member CET (Berlin)
@vertedinde Keeley Hammond @VerteDinde Member PT (Portland)
@jkleinsc John Kleinschmidt @jkleinsc Member ET (Harrisburg)

Emeritus Members

Emeritus Members
Avatar Name Role Time Zone
@groundwater Jacob Groundwater @groundwater Member PT (San Francisco)
@lee-dohm Lee Dohm @lee-dohm Chair PT (Seattle)
@sofianguy Sofia Nguy @sofianguy Member PT (San Francisco)
@tonyganch Tony Ganch @tonyganch Member CET (Prague)

Areas of Responsibility

  • Approval of adding and removing Slack Owners / Admins.
  • Adding and removing Slack members.
    • Non governance members are multi channel guests.
  • Dealing with Code of Conduct issues that happen during events, in Slack, and on GitHub.
  • Banning GitHub users on repos and issues.
  • Helping arbitrate disagreements between contributors.

Associated Repositories

All repositories under electron org.

Joining the Community and Safety WG

In order to become a formal member of the WG, a prospective member must:

  1. Be actively contributing to the work of the WG.
  2. Attend 3 consecutive meetings.
  3. Be approved by a 2/3rds majority of current WG members (rounded up).
    1. The prospective member shall leave the meeting during the deliberation and vote.
    2. The meeting notes shall contain only the outcome of the vote (approved/not approved), not the individual votes.
    3. Members not able to attend the meeting at which the vote occurs may submit their vote to the Chair prior to the meeting.

If you're interested in joining the Community and Safety Working Group, reach out to an existing member and ask to be invited to the regular meeting and as a guest to the #wg-community-safety channel in Slack.

Actively contributing

"Actively contributing" doesn't necessarily mean writing code. It does mean that you should be in regular communication with the Community and Safety WG (including attending meetings), and it does mean that you should be participating in Community and Safety discussions. If you're not sure whether the work you're doing counts as "materially contributing", reach out to a member and ask. 🙂

Meeting Schedule

  • Sync Meeting 60 min every other Thursday at 15:00 UTC
  • On an as needed basis

Meeting notes may be viewed in meeting-notes.