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An HTML-first interactive document and notebook system.


Heximal is extremely experimental and incomplete. It is under active development.


Heximal aims to be an HTML-based file format for rich, interactive, data-driven documents and computational notebooks.

Heximal extends (or will extend) HTML with:

  • ๐Ÿ”ฃ Expressions
  • ๐Ÿ–จ๏ธ Declarative HTML templates
  • ๐Ÿฑ Declarative custom elements
  • ๐Ÿคน Declarative dynamic documents: variables, scopes, bindings, I/O (๐Ÿ”ฎ)
  • ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ A library of visual and interactive components (๐Ÿ”ฎ)
  • ๐ŸŽจ Built-in CSS variables and styles for document themes (๐Ÿ”ฎ)
  • ๐Ÿ” Security tools for sanitizing, viewing, and distributing documents (๐Ÿ”ฎ)

๐Ÿ”ฎ = Future work

Heximal's ultimate goal is to be able to describe a wide range of documents that you might create in tools like Google Docs, Notion, Observable, or Jupyter Notebook.


  • Document formats should be open. This is critically important in order to allow for ownership of your own data, prevent lock-in, and enable a rich ecosystem of tools that can produce and consume documents.
  • The web is the ideal rendering and distribution platform for documents. The web is by far the most advanced open standard multimedia runtime, runs on the most platforms, and is the widest and most secure distribution channel for apps and documents. Building a new rendering engine or runtime for rich documents would be counter-productive.
  • Staying close to plain web standards is the best way to augment web technologies for rich documents. Documents should be extensible with open standards and renderable without a build step.
  • Documents should be self-contained in that they have explicit rather than implicit dependencies. Runtime and components should simply be imported modules.
  • Interactive documents are applications, and need to be secured appropriately.
  • Editing functionality is best separated from rendering. It takes less code and bytes to view a document than to edit it. There can be multiple editors for the same document format.

Heximal will be optimized for document interchange and runtime, not necessarily for hand-written documents, so rich text formatting will be done with plain HTML and CSS, not Markdown, for instance.


While blocks aren't defined yet, Heximal does have initial implementations of many of the primitives necessary for dynamic documents including expressions, templates, components, and variables.

  <!-- Declare variables with <h-var>. Variables are backed by Signals -->
  <h-var name="name" value="World"></h-var>

  <!-- Render expressions in plain HTML with <h-out> -->
  <h-out expr="name"></h-out>

  <!-- Templates have special syntax for bindings. Auto-templates render
      and update automatically! -->
  <template h-auto>
    <!-- Bindings are denoted with {{}} and can contain arbitray expressions -->
    <p>{{ name.toUpperCase() }}</p>

    <!-- Hexmical can bind to attributes, properties, and events too -->
    <input .value="{{ name }}" @input="{{ (e) => name = }}" />

  <!-- Components are defined with <h-define-element> -->
  <h-define-element name="simple-greeter" properties="name">
    <!-- Styles are scoped with shadow DOM -->
    <style type="adopted-css">
      :host {
        color: blue;

    <!-- Templates have all the same binding features. -->
      <h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>

  <!-- Once you define an element, you can use it in your HTML.
       It'll update when state changes too! -->
  <simple-greeter name="{{ name }}"></simple-greeter>

  <!-- There's also a way to include external content -->
  <h-include src="./foo.html"></h-include>

  <!-- And other utilities will come for helping for forms, fetching, etc. -->



Heximal Templates enhance the HTML <template> element with bindings, expressions, and control flow like if and repeat.

Templates can be used as a part of custom elements, standalone, or as auto templates that automatically render to the document.

<template id="my-template">

  <template type="if" if="{{ important }}">
    <p class="important">These messages are important</p>

  <template type="repeat" repeat="{{ messages }}">
    <p>{{ item.text }}</p>

See @heximal/templates for more information on templates, and @heximal/expressions for more information on expressions.

Custom Elements

Heximal allows you to define new custom elements declaratively in HTML.

<h-define-element name="simple-greeter" properties="name">
  <style type="adopted-css">
    :host {
      color: blue;
    <h1>Hello {{ name }}!</h1>

These elements can then be used anywhere in the HTML document.

<simple-greeter name="World"></simple-greeter>

Heximal elements (or any custom or built-in element!) can be used with Heximal's template data-binding system, to be automatically updated as data changes:

<template h-auto>
  <h-var name="name" value="World"></h-var>
  <simple-greeter name="{{ name }}"></simple-greeter>

See @heximal/element for more information.

Built-in Components

Heximal includes several built-in components to help construct dynamic documents:


  • <h-var>: Declares a variable
  • <h-out>: Displays the value of an expression
  • <h-scope>: Creates a nested scope for h-var variables


  • <h-include>: Include HTML files into your document
  • <h-fetch>: Fetch a network resource


  • <h-num> Formats a number with the Intl.NumberFormat API.



You probably shouldn't install Heximal yet, but if you want to try it:

npm i heximal

Design Ideas

Notebooks and Blocks

Computational notebooks blur the lines between documents, spreadsheets, and applications. They are usually structured as a linear sequence of blocks of various types, where the blocks are able to share data. Notebooks are scriptable, and the scripts both execute and are displayed as content within the document.

Examples of blocks inlcude rich text, tables, scripts, graphs and charts, etc.

The design for blocks in Heximal is not yet started. They will be custom elements, but there will be a protocol for blocks adding and reading data from other blocks, and responding to changes.


Many existing tools out there share some parts of the Heximal goals and vision. These tools are especially influential:

  • Curvenote
  • Google Collab
  • Google Docs
  • Notion
  • Stampino (the progenitor of Heximal)
  • Alpine.js
  • HTMX
  • Observable
  • Block Prototcol

Stampino and Jexpr

Jexpr, Stampino, and Stampino Element are the original names and implementations of three of the core Hexiaml packages. They have been moved into the Heximal monorepo and renamed to Heximal Expressions, Heximal Templates, and Heximal Element, respectively. The previous repositories will not be actively maintained and will eventually be archived.

This move is being done in order to create a unified project and expand the scope beyond just declarative templates and custom elements.


Heximal is a web-based interactive document and notebook system







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