A fork of ruifm's gitlinker, refactored with pattern based rule engine, windows support and other enhancements.
A lua plugin for Neovim to generate sharable
file permalinks (with line ranges) for git host websites. Inspired by
tpope/vim-fugitive's :GBrowse
An example of git permalink: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/blob/2e156a3b7d7e25e56b03683cc6228c531f4c91ef/src/nvim/main.c#L137-L156
Personally, I use this all the time to easily share code locations with my co-workers.
- Platform support: windows is supported.
- Url mapping engine changed: pattern based rules instead of hard coding.
- Rewrittens: API re-designed, logger added, code base re-structured.
Lua pattern is introduced to map git remote url to host url. The lua pattern has many limitations compared with the standard regex expression, but it's still the best solution in git sharable file permalinks scenario.
For now github.com and gitlab.com (include both git/http and enterprise domains) are supported (please see Configuration).
PRs are welcomed for other git host websites!
- git
- neovim 0.8
- plenary.nvim
use {
requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
branch = 'master',
config = function()
call plug#begin()
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim', { 'branch': 'master' }
call plug#end()
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' },
config = function()
There're two key mappings defined by default:
(normal/visual mode): copy git link to clipboard.<leader>gL
(normal/visual mode): open git link in default browser.
To disable the default key mappings, set mapping = false
in setup()
(see Configuration).
To create your own key mappings, please specify customize the mapping
in setup()
-- print message in command line
message = true,
-- key mapping
mapping = {
["<leader>gl"] = {
-- copy git link to clipboard
action = require("gitlinker.actions").clipboard,
desc = "Copy git link to clipboard",
["<leader>gL"] = {
-- open git link in default browser
action = require("gitlinker.actions").system,
desc = "Open git link in default browser",
-- regex pattern based rules
pattern_rules = {
["^git@github%.([_%.%-%w]+):([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)%.git$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^https?://github%.([_%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)%.git$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^git@gitlab%.([_%.%-%w]+):([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)%.git$"] = "https://gitlab.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^https?://gitlab%.([_%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)%.git$"] = "https://gitlab.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^git@github%.([_%.%-%w]+):([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^https?://github%.([_%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^git@gitlab%.([_%.%-%w]+):([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)$"] = "https://gitlab.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
["^https?://gitlab%.([_%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)$"] = "https://gitlab.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
-- function based rules: function(remote_url) => host_url.
-- this function will override the `pattern_rules`.
-- here's an example of custom_rules:
-- ```
-- custom_rules = function(remote_url)
-- local pattern_rules = {
-- {
-- ["^git@github%.([_%.%-%w]+):([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)%.git$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
-- ["^https://github%.([_%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)%.git$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
-- },
-- -- http(s)://github.(com|*)/linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim(.git)? -> https://github.com/linrongbin16/gitlinker.nvim(.git)?
-- {
-- ["^git@github%.([_%.%-%w]+):([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
-- ["^https://github%.([_%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)/([%.%-%w]+)$"] = "https://github.%1/%2/%3/blob/",
-- },
-- }
-- for _, group in ipairs(pattern_rules) do
-- for pattern, replace in pairs(group) do
-- if string.match(remote_url, pattern) then
-- local result = string.gsub(remote_url, pattern, replace)
-- return result
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- return nil
-- end,
-- ```
--- @overload fun(remote_url:string):string|nil
custom_rules = nil,
-- enable debug
debug = false,
-- write logs to console(command line)
console_log = true,
-- write logs to file
file_log = false,