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Notebooks Directory

This directory contains Jupyter notebooks for data exploration, preprocessing, and machine learning tasks.


  • This file explains the purpose and contents of the notebooks.
  • section0_data_preprocessing_and_cleaning.ipynb: Data decoding and sampling.
  • section1_data_exploration_and_preprocessing.ipynb: Data exploration and preprocessing.
  • section2_supervised_learning_classification.ipynb: Supervised learning for intent classification.
  • section3_unsupervised_learning_clustering.ipynb: Clustering SSH attack sessions.
  • section4_language_model_exploration.ipynb: Exploring advanced NLP techniques for the dataset.

Notebook Descriptions

Section 0: Data Preprocessing and Cleaning

  • Decode Base64-encoded SSH sessions.
  • Tokenize sessions based on a predefined vocabulary.
  • Save the processed dataset for further use.

Section 1: Data Exploration and Preprocessing

  • Visualize dataset distributions.
  • Clean and preprocess data for modeling.
  • Perform temporal analysis and session analysis.

Section 2: Supervised Learning

  • Train classifiers for intent prediction.
  • Evaluate performance using metrics like accuracy and F1-score.
  • Perform hyperparameter tuning and feature experimentation.

Section 3: Unsupervised Learning

  • Cluster sessions to uncover hidden patterns.
  • Use algorithms like k-means and Gaussian Mixture Models.
  • Evaluate clusters using methods like the Elbow Method and Silhouette Analysis.

Section 4: Language Models

  • Experiment with models like BERT and Doc2Vec.
  • Fine-tune pre-trained models for intent classification.
  • Plot learning curves and evaluate model performance.

How to Run

  1. Install dependencies using requirements.txt.
  2. Open the notebooks in Jupyter or JupyterLab.
  3. Follow the instructions provided within each notebook.

Detailed Steps in Each Section

Section 0: Data Preprocessing and Cleaning

  • Install Dependencies: Install necessary packages.
  • Helper Functions: Functions to decode Base64 strings, clean and tokenize sessions.
  • Load and Process Data: Load raw data, decode sessions, clean and tokenize, save processed data.

Section 1: Data Exploration and Preprocessing

  • Install Dependencies: Install necessary packages.
  • Dataset Preparation: Load and inspect the dataset, check for missing values and duplicates.
  • Temporal Analysis: Analyze attack frequencies over time (hourly, daily, monthly trends).
  • Session Analysis: Analyze the content and structure of attack sessions.
  • Intent Distribution: Visualize the distribution of different attack intents.
  • Text Representation: Represent text data using techniques like TF-IDF.
  • Error Reporting: Report any errors encountered during preprocessing.

Section 2: Supervised Learning

  • Install Dependencies: Install necessary packages.
  • Data Splitting: Split the dataset into training and testing sets.
  • Baseline Model Implementation: Implement baseline classifiers like Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and SVM.
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Tune hyperparameters using GridSearchCV.
  • Result Analysis: Analyze the performance of the models.
  • Feature Experimentation: Experiment with different feature representations and preprocessing techniques.

Section 3: Unsupervised Learning

  • Install Dependencies: Install necessary packages.
  • Determine the Number of Clusters: Use Elbow Method and Silhouette Analysis to find the optimal number of clusters.
  • Tune Other Hyperparameters: Tune hyperparameters for clustering algorithms.
  • Visualize the Clusters: Visualize the resulting clusters.
  • Cluster Analysis: Analyze the characteristics of each cluster.
  • Assess Homogeneity and Intent Reflection: Assess how well the clusters reflect different attack intents.
  • Associate Clusters with Specific Attack Categories: Link clusters to specific categories of attacks.

Section 4: Language Models

  • Install Dependencies: Install necessary packages.
  • Model Selection: Choose between BERT and Doc2Vec for intent classification.
  • Add a Dense Layer: Extend the model with a custom dense layer for classification.
  • Fine-Tuning: Fine-tune the model on the training dataset.
  • Plot Learning Curves: Visualize training and validation loss curves to identify the optimal stopping point.