This is a simple implementation of a Turing Machine in Python. It is based on the definition of a Turing Machine as a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, Γ, q0, δ), where:
Q is a finite set of states, assumed not to contain h, the halt state
Σ, the input alphabet, is a finite set of symbols
Γ, the tape alphabet, is a finite set with Σ ⊆ Γ; Γ is assumed not to contain Δ, the blank tape symbol
q0 ∈ Q is the initial state
δ is a partial function (i.e. possibly undefined at some points):
δ: Q × (Γ ∪ {Δ}) → (Q ∪ {h}) × (Γ ∪ {Δ}) × {L, R, S}
The Turing Machine M accepts x ∈ Σ* if starting M with input x leads to a halting configuration. In other words, x is accepted if for some strings y and z in (Γ ∪ {Δ})* and for some a ∈ Γ ∪ {Δ}: (q0, Δx) ⊢*M (h, yaz)
We say M halts on input x and L(M), the language accepted by M, is the set of input strings accepted by M: L(M) = { x ∈ Σ* | (q0, Δx) ⊢*M (h, yaz) }.
: this machine will square the input number. The input number should be in unary, i.e. a sequence of 1s. The machine will replace the input with a sequence of 1s equal to the square of the input. For example, if the input is111
, the machine will replace it with111111111
pygame 2.5.2
pip install requirements.txt
f(x) = x²
input: 11111
output: 1111111111111111111111111
Authors: Elia Innocenti, Antonio Natale Bruno