[Back end]
- Ball direction math (Done).
- achivs functions (achievs will changed).
- Kick/close/remove functions rebuilding (Done).
- game vs Friend logic & code
[Front end]
- Front UI/Design (Almost)
- landing page. (Done)
- Settings component. (Done)
- loading component. (Done)
- Game finish component. (Not yet)
- Responsive canvas (Not yet)
- Stress tests.
- Socket events optimasation
- Code optimasation
-Quick reflexes: Successfully return five consecutive fast serves
-Comeback kid: win a game with sweet comeback 0-9.
-no mercy: win a game with clean score
-Monster: win a game against Hard mode bot.
-impossible win a game against Hard mode bot with clean score;
-Rookie: Win 10 games.
-Savage: Win 10 games with clean score.
-Dominator: Win 10 consecutive games without a loss.
-Master: win 50 clean games in row.
[Remind myself for back]
-rebuild gamegateway for online addon ()
-rebuild ready handler (Done)
[Remind myself for front]
-add context (Done)
-add board route (Done)
-optimise canvas with single trigger in setInterval
-dont forget flags for useEffect onces protection
-goback eventHandler change emit body type
-rslts compos