deep-learning-samples Public
Sample code for deep learning & neural networks
pyelftools Public
Parsing ELF and DWARF in Python
google-cloud-go Public
Forked from googleapis/google-cloud-goGoogle Cloud Client Libraries for Go.
radgrad Public
Tracing-based reverse mode automatic differentiation (like autograd!)
pykaleidoscope Public
Implementation of the LLVM tutorial in Python using llvmlite
pss Public
pss is a power-tool for searching inside source code files.
bobscheme Public
An implementation of Scheme in Python and C++
wasm-wat-samples Public
Samples of WebAssembly Text programs
static-server Public
A simple, zero-configuration HTTP server CLI for serving static files
gemini-cli Public
Access Gemini LLMs from the command-line
js-8080-sim Public
Intel 8080 assembler and simulator in JS, optimized for simplicity.
go-sentencepiece Public
Go implementation of the SentencePiece tokenizer
go-sudoku Public
Toolkit for solving and generating Sudoku puzzles in Go
gocloudsampleprovider Public
Custom blob provider for the Go CDK (go-cloud repository, or gocloud.dev)
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 11, 2024 -
ollama Public
Forked from ollama/ollamaGet up and running with Llama 2, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.
paip-in-clojure Public
🌅 Code from "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming" in Clojure
gosax Public
gosax is a basic wrapper for stream parsing of XML (SAX) Go
modlib Public
Go project layout with exported packages and command-line tools, using modules
luz-cpu Public
Educational open-source CPU suite (with assembler, linker and simulator)
go-ungrammar Public
Ungrammar implementation and API in Go
golang-samples Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/golang-samplesSample apps and code written for Google Cloud in the Go programming language.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 22, 2024 -
langchaingo Public
Forked from tmc/langchaingoLangChain for Go, the easiest way to write LLM-based programs in Go
colorful-lines Public
My JS clone of the Colorful Lines game