Implementation of service that manages users and their available privileges. Users are associated with specific privileges for further testing of the system.
Example of privileges:
Example of results:
User | Privileges user is attached to |
3000 | None |
Public endpoints:
GET /priv - get privileges by title
GET /priv/user - get users' privileges list
POST /priv - create a privilege
POST /priv/user/add - add privileges to user
POST /priv/user/remove - remove privileges of user
DELETE /priv/{id:[0-9]+} - delete a specific privelege
DELETE /priv/user/{id:[0-9]+} - delete all user's priveleges
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8000/priv -d '{"privilege_title": "READONLY_ACCESS"}'
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8000/priv/user/add -d '{"user_id":1, "add_privilege": ["READONLY_ACCESS", "ADMIN_ACCESS", "CONFIG_ADMISSION"]}'
curl -XPOST http://localhost:8000/priv/user/remove -d '{"user_id":1, "add_privilege": ["READONLY_ACCESS", "ADMIN_ACCESS"]}'
curl -XGET http://localhost:8000/priv/user
curl -XGET http://localhost:8000/priv
The project follows clean architecture principles by organizing the code into several independent layers. This approach ensures encapsulation and separation of concerns between components, as well as flexibility and code portability.
In accordance with the principles of clean architecture, the project facilitates communication between layers using interfaces. This allows for loose coupling, dependency inversion, and modularity.
The project utilizes the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and SRP (Single Responsibility Principle) patterns.
GET /set/{val:[0-9]+} - set local storage
GET /inc/{val:[0-9]+} - increase local storage
GET /dec/{val:[0-9]+} - decrease local storage
The concurrency part is an implementation of working with channels and goroutines. Specifically, it includes a pipeline implementation to control race conditions during the execution of multiple parallel requests. The aim is to ensure thread safety and prevent data races.
The implementation has been thoroughly tested using ApacheBench to verify its effectiveness.