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APKnife is an advanced APK analysis and modification tool designed for security researchers and ethical hackers. It allows users to extract, analyze, modify, and sign APK files. The tool provides features like APK extraction, AndroidManifest.xml editing, API call detection, vulnerability scanning, and APK signing


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APKnife: The Cyber Blade of APK Domination πŸ”ͺ🧸

APKnife Cover

APKnife – The Double-Edged Blade of APK Analysis πŸ”ͺ

Fear the Blade, Trust the Power!

APKnife is an advanced tool for APK analysis, modification, and security auditing. Whether you're a security researcher, penetration tester, or Android developer, APKnife provides powerful features for reverse engineering, decompiling, modifying, and analyzing APK files.

πŸš€ Features & Capabilities

  • βœ… Extract & decompile APKs into readable formats
  • βœ… Modify & repackage APKs effortlessly
  • βœ… Analyze APKs for security vulnerabilities
  • βœ… Edit AndroidManifest.xml & Smali code
  • βœ… Extract Java source code from an APK
  • βœ… Detect Remote Access Trojans (RATs) & malware
  • βœ… Decode binary XML files & scan for API calls
  • βœ… Change APK metadata (icon, name, package name)
  • βœ… Identify security risks like excessive permissions
  • βœ… Sign APKs for smooth installation

πŸ”§ Installation

πŸ“Œ Prerequisites

Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Python 3.12
  • Java (JDK 8 or later)
  • apktool
  • zipalign
  • keytool

πŸ›  Setting Up a Python Virtual Environment

Before installing APKnife, it's recommended to set up a Python virtual environment to avoid package conflicts.

1️⃣ Create a Python Virtual Environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate  # On Linux/macOS
venv\Scripts\activate  # On Windows

2️⃣ Install Required Packages

Once the virtual environment is activated, install APKnife:

pip install apknife

πŸ“₯ Installing Rust (Required for APKnife)

APKnife requires Rust for building. Follow the installation steps based on your OS:

🐧 On Linux:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Then follow the on-screen instructions.

🍏 On macOS (Using Homebrew):

brew install rust

πŸ–₯️ On Windows:

  1. Visit and install Rust.
  2. Verify installation:
rustc --version

⚠️ Troubleshooting Common Issues

❌ Issue Installing Rust on Termux

Ensure Termux is up to date:

pkg update && pkg upgrade

Install required build tools:

pkg install clang make python rust

❌ Issues Installing APKnife

  • Rust not installed properly? Ensure it's correctly installed via rustup or your package manager.
  • Python conflicts? If there are issues with virtual environments, reset it:
rm -rf venv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

βœ… Verifying Installed Versions

python --version
rustc --version

🌍 Setting Up Rust Environment Variables

🐧 On Linux/macOS

nano ~/.bashrc # For bash
nano ~/.zshrc   # For zsh

Add this line at the end:

export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"

Apply changes:

source ~/.bashrc  # For bash
source ~/.zshrc   # For zsh

πŸ–₯️ On Windows

  1. Open "Environment Variables" from the Start menu.
  2. Edit Path under System Variables and add:
  1. Click OK and restart your terminal.

Verify the setup:

cargo --version
rustc --version

πŸ“₯ Installing APKnife

pip install apknife

πŸ“œ Usage

πŸ–₯️ Interactive Mode

To enter interactive mode, run:

python3 interactive

This will launch a command-line interface for executing APKnife commands.

πŸ› οΈ Available Commands

🟒 Extract APK Contents

python3 extract -i target.apk -o extracted/

🟒 Modify & Rebuild APK

python3 build -i extracted/ -o modified.apk

🟒 Sign APK

apknife sign -i modified.apk

🟒 Analyze APK for Vulnerabilities

apknife scan_vulnerabilities -i target.apk

🟒 Detect Remote Access Trojans (RATs)

apknife catch_rat -i malicious.apk

🟒 Extract Java Source Code

apknife extract-java -i target.apk -o src_folder

🟒 Change APK Name

apknife modify-apk --name -i app.apk

🟒 Change APK Icon

apknife modify-apk --icon new_icon.png -i app.apk

🟒 Modify Package Name

apknife modify-apk --package com.example.example -i app.apk

🟒 Modify Multiple APK Attributes

apknife modify-apk --name new_name --package --icon anysize.any -o modified_apk.apk

🟒 Scan APK Permissions

apknife scan_permissions -i target.apk

πŸ‘‡ Help Menu

🟒 Extract APK Contents

Extract the contents of an APK file.

python3 extract -i target.apk -o extracted/
  • -i: Path to the input APK file.
  • -o: Directory to save the extracted files.

🟒 Build APK

Rebuild an APK from extracted files.

python3 build -i extracted/ -o modified.apk
  • -i: Directory containing the extracted files.
  • -o: Path to save the rebuilt APK.

🟒 Sign APK

Sign an APK file.

apknife sign -i modified.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file to sign.

🟒 Analyze APK

Analyze an APK for security vulnerabilities.

apknife analyze -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file to analyze.

🟒 Edit Manifest

Edit the AndroidManifest.xml of an APK.

apknife edit-manifest -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Decompile to Smali

Decompile an APK to Smali code.

apknife smali -i target.apk -o smali_output/
  • -i: Path to the APK file.
  • -o: Directory to save the decompiled Smali code.

🟒 Decode Manifest

Decode the AndroidManifest.xml of an APK.

apknife decode_manifest -i target.apk -o output_dir/
  • -i: Path to the APK file.
  • -o: Directory to save the decoded manifest.

🟒 Find onCreate Methods

Find onCreate methods in an APK.

apknife find-oncreate -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Find API Calls

Find API calls in an APK.

apknife find-api -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Scan for Vulnerabilities

Scan an APK for vulnerabilities.

apknife scan-vulnerabilities -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Scan Permissions

Scan and list permissions used by an APK.

apknife scan-permissions -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Catch RAT

Analyze an APK for Remote Access Trojan (RAT) indicators.

apknife catch_rat -i malicious.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Extract Java Source Code

Extract Java source code from an APK.

apknife extract-java -i target.apk -o src_folder/
  • -i: Path to the APK file.
  • -o: Directory to save the extracted Java source code.

🟒 Extract Sensitive Data

Extract sensitive data from an APK.

apknife extract-sensitive -i target.apk -o sensitive_data.json
  • -i: Path to the APK file.
  • -o: Path to save the extracted sensitive data (JSON format).

🟒 Modify APK Metadata

Modify an APK's metadata (name, icon, package name).

apknife modify-apk -i target.apk --name "New App Name" --icon new_icon.png --package
  • -i: Path to the APK file.
  • --name: New app name.
  • --icon: Path to the new icon (any size/format).
  • --package: New package name.

🟒 Extract DEX Files

Extract DEX files from an APK.

apknife extract-dex -i target.apk -o dex_output/
  • -i: Path to the APK file.
  • -o: Directory to save the extracted DEX files.

🟒 Scan for Protection Mechanisms

Scan an APK for protection mechanisms (e.g., Firewall, ProGuard).

apknife waf -i target.apk
  • -i: Path to the APK file.

🟒 Interactive Mode

Launch APKnife in interactive mode.

python3 interactive

🟒 Help Menu

Display the help menu with all available commands.

apknife -h

🟒 Update Commands

Reload the commands from the external file.

apknife update-commands

🟒 List Commands

Display the current list of available commands.

apknife list-commands

🟒 Exit Interactive Mode

Exit the interactive shell.


⚠️ Legal Disclaimer

This tool is designed for educational and security research purposes only. Unauthorized use of APKnife on third-party applications without permission is illegal. The developers are not responsible for any misuse.

πŸ“œ License

APKnife is released under the MIT License – You are free to modify and distribute it for legal use.

πŸ’‘ Contributions & Support

πŸš€ Contributions are welcome! Fork the repo, submit pull requests, and report issues. Let's make APKnife even better!

APKnife – The Double-Edged Blade of APK Analysis πŸ”ͺ🧸

All rights reserved to MR_nightmare.


APKnife is an advanced APK analysis and modification tool designed for security researchers and ethical hackers. It allows users to extract, analyze, modify, and sign APK files. The tool provides features like APK extraction, AndroidManifest.xml editing, API call detection, vulnerability scanning, and APK signing








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