This project offers a comprehensive analysis of repositories curated in the list found at awesome-go. You can access the live deployment at awesome-go-repo-stats, with daily updates to keep you informed.

Field | Description |
Stars | Total stars up to the latest update |
Days last commit | Number of days since the last commit, 0 indicates at least one commit in the last day |
Days last star | Number of days since the last star, a value of 0 indicates that the repository received at least one star within the last day |
Stars last 30d | Number of new stars in the last 30 days |
Stars last 7d | Number of new stars in the last 7 days |
New Stars 30d ‰ | New stars in the last 30 days / Total Stars |
Ment. users | Mentionable users |
Direct deps | Number of direct dependencies found in go.mod |
Created days ago | Number of days since repo creation |
Archived | Archived status od the project, if true the project has been archived |
Stars Timeline 30d | Link to a page with the daily new stars in the last 30 days |

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or create a pull request.