You have a feed for your site.
Or you're posting just a feed using something like RuSShdown to a host like Neocities or Nekoweb.
You want your feed file to render as HTML to people on browsers, without disrupting people subscribing to you feed in a feed reader.
This is what I do for my feed on my site.
In your site's Atom feed, add the following to the top, before the opening <feed ...>
<?xml-stylesheet href="/blog/atom.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
Change the /blog/atom.xsl
path to where you will serve this file from.
Because of browser content security models, you will need to serve both your feed and this xslt file from the same domain, under HTTPS.
If you're
and your feed is at
then put this file at
RSS and combined versions of this are forthcoming.
This will also work with things like: