almond Public
Forked from requirejs/almondA minimal AMD API implementation for use after optimized builds
aws-credentials Public
A shell tool that to for switching between different credentials.csv files
Backbone-relational Public
Forked from PaulUithol/Backbone-relationalGet and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models
backbone.collections Public
Collection of collections - various primitives for Backbone collections - e.g. for jointing and limiting.
backbone.limitcollection Public
A proxy collection that always contains the first N models of a base collection by reacting to its events.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 27, 2013 -
backbone.marionette Public
Forked from marionettejs/backbone.marionetteMake your Backbone.js apps dance with a composite application architecture!
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 27, 2013 -
boot2docker-vagrant-box Public
Forked from mitchellh/boot2docker-vagrant-boxPacker scripts to build a Vagrant-compatible boot2docker box.
bunt Public
A minimally-opinionated standard and implementation for modular client-side JavaScript - managing dependencies with npm, bundling with browserify.
carbon Public
Forked from graphite-project/carbonCarbon is one of the components of Graphite, and is responsible for receiving metrics over the network and writing them down to disk using a storage backend.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 22, 2013 -
cdk-ecs-demo Public
Forked from rix0rrr/cdk-ecs-demoSample code for an ECS application definition using CDK
clean-downloads Public
Script I made to clean my Downloads folder, for now includes a Transmission module, that is capable of nothing more than listing and removing torrents.
Docker - the open-source application container engine
docker-assign Public
A tool for assigning a Docker container to a given external port. Useful for upgrading and rolling back services by interchanging Docker containers.
UpdatedAug 7, 2013 -
docker-intro Public
Introduction to Docker — for a Stockholm Devops Meetup
docker-registry-image Public
Building and running a docker-registry that is easily deployed with *drumrolls* DOCKER!
Ruby UpdatedJul 20, 2013 -
ep2014_zeromq Public
Forked from numberly/europython2014-zeromq-training -
etcd Public
Forked from etcd-io/etcdA highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
etcdctl Public
Forked from coreos/etcdctlA simple command line client for etcd
euler-clojure Public
Me learning Clojure by solving Project Euler problems
Clojure UpdatedJun 24, 2013 -
evernote-mailclipper Public
Better mail-in service for EverNote: performs content extraction of URL's found in emails
fastify-example Public
Forked from delvedor/fastify-exampleThis project is a small but feature complete application build with Fastify and Svelte, and it aims to show all the core concepts of Fastify, best practices, and recommendations.
generator-bunt Public
A Yeoman generator for making typical skeleton for komponents.
grunt-s3 Public
Forked from pifantastic/grunt-s3A grunt task to automate moving files to/from Amazon S3.
gulp-coffee Public
Forked from gulp-community/gulp-coffeeCoffeescript plugin for gulp