is a basic rest API that crawls
github-trending-crawler runs on 5000 HTTP
You can mapping the ports whatever you want. The most important thing about github-trending-crawler port mapping is that github-trending-crawler runs on 5000 HTTP
port. You must consider this during configure your mapping.
- With CLI
docker run -d -p 8080:5000 enesusta/github-trending-crawler:20210606
- With docker-compose
Let's look at this sample.
version: '3'
container_name: github-trending-crawler
image: enesusta/github-trending-crawler:20210606
- 8080:5000
docker-compose up -d
github-trending-crawler needs a query parameters which named lang. You have to give this parameter on your http calls to github-trending-crawler.
You can get trending information of any language that listed below that picture has.
"description":"Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! π
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