Awesome Restic related projects.
- Rustic - A restic-compatible backup tool written in pure Rust
- Restatic - A Boring Open Source GUI for Restic Backup
- RPlay - Command line audio player for your Restic repository
- Swamp - Navigate your backed up data without drowning
- Restic Browser - A clientside GUI (Win/Linux/Mac) to browser your Restic repository snapshots
- NPBackup - A GUI & CLI backup program that adds Prometheus support, VSS fallback, cloud files excludes, etc... For Windows and Linux, and arm based NAS devices
- Restic Backup GX - Easy to use desktop GUI with profiles
- resticterm - a multi-platform UI for restic. It can be used alone as a backup tool or with restic command line to manage a repository
- backrest - Fully open source web UI wrapper for restic. Supports scheduled backups and browsing/restoring from snapshots.
- Kubackup - A Simple, Open-Source, and Modern Web UI for Restic.
- autorestic - High level CLI utility for restic
- crestic - Configurable restic wrapper with support for profiles and environments
- resticprofile - Configuration profiles for restic backup
- restic-PyBM - A Python 3 wrapper to manage and monitor backups with restic
- restique - A wrapper around restic with profiles
- runrestic - A wrapper script for Restic backup software that inits, creates, prunes and checks backups
- prestic - Prestic is a profile manager and task scheduler for restic
- resticker - Run automatic restic backups via a Docker container
- restic-robot - Scheduled restic backups, pre/post hooks, logs and Prometheus metrics
- restic-windows-backup - Powershell scripts to run Restic backups on Windows
- restic2influx - Parse Restic status output and feed summary to influx db
- restic-wrapper - Simple bash wrapper to source .env configuration files for Restic (and optionally rclone).
- Ludusavi Restic Playnite Plugin - Plugin for Playnite that allows for creating point-in-time snapshots of game save data.
- restic-automatic-backup-scheduler - Automatic restic backup using Backblaze B2 storage and either Linux systemd timers, macOS LaunchAgent, Windows ScheduledTask or simply cron
- wrestic - 👽 A wrapper around restic built in rust
- RAPI - Tools, guide and code examples to learn Restic's internals
- BIVAC - Backup Interface for Volumes Attached to Containers
- Stash - Backup your Kubernetes Stateful Applications
- k8up - Kubernetes and OpenShift Backup Operator
- brudi - Easy, incremental and encrypted backup creation / restoration for different backends
- volsync - Asynchronous data replication for Kubernetes volumes
- rclone serve restic - Serve the remote for restic's REST backend API locally and allows restic to use rclone as a data storage mechanism for cloud providers that restic does not support directly (e.g. WebDAV)