Simple To-Do App.
- this directory - multiplatform project for browser and JVM backend.
- mobile - hybrid mobile application using KotlinJS and Cordova to run on Android, iOS, Windows Phones, etc.
- todo - the app itself. (It can depend on everything).
- util - reusable code that has no dependencies on external modules.
- bootstrap, cordova, pouchdb, etc. - external definitions for Javascript modules.
- extensions - custom reusable extensions to external modules. These should not be app-specific and are a la carte. They should not import anything beyond what is intuitive from the package name.
Search for "ZZZ" and replace it with the information for your custom app.
Change the code to your hearts desire. You can supply initial data in src/jsMain/resources/initial-data.json, whether manually or by copying in the output from the backup button in the app which exports the current state of the data.
Run "./gradlew jsBrowserDevelopmentWebpack"
Then open build/distributions/index.html in a browser.
Alternative: If that doesn't work, go to build/public/index.html and "Open in Browser".
Run "./gradlew build" in this top-level directory.
Prerequisite: Replace ZZZAppIdZZZ in .firebaserc
Install firebase tools: "npm install -g firebase-tools"
In the top-level directory, run "firebase deploy".
See mobile/
Build (see above). Build the mobile app and make sure it has basic functionality.
Thank you to the following frameworks, tools, libraries, and languages:
- Kotlin -
- React -
- Twitter Bootstrap -
- pickadate.js -
- Javascript -
- Cordova -
- Gradle -
- Phonegap Build -