openconnect-proxy Public
An easy to use docker image to connect to a VPN with Openconnect + OCProxy on Ubuntu 22.04.
CalendarHelperAi Public
A web app that uses an AI to create an ICS calendar file for calendar events scribbled in an image, including parsing out all event data.
aws-vmseries-gwlb-poc Public
Forked from PaloAltoNetworks/aws-vmseries-gwlb-pocPalo Alto VM Series on AWS - Proof of Concept (Updated)
docker-mqtt Public
Secure Mosquitto MQTT Broker with Docker — SSL/TLS, user authentication, environment variable configuration, data persistence, and WebSockets support.
This repository contains a Dockerfile and related scripts to create a custom Docker image that wraps the Tailscale client. The image serves as a sidecar container providing a secure Tailscale netwo…
docker-windows Public
Forked from dockur/windowsWindows inside a Docker container.
Shell MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2024 -
rabbit_hole Public
An open-source utility to monitor and cleanup RabbitMQ queues of certain "bad messages" that match a REGEX. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use. The messages that are consumed by this …
python-speech-to-text-poc Public
A simple proof of concept for a spoken speech to text using Python, SpeechRecognition and an OpenAi Whisper model locally.
python-visualstudio-cat Public
A python script that uses the OpenAI API to analyze a Visual Studio project and provide a detailed summary of each file in the project.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2024 -
An example of how to authenticate against Active Directory from NodeJS.
JavaScript UpdatedApr 10, 2024 -
KustoQueryCli Public
A python command line utility to run Kusto queries against an Azure Data Explorer instance and return data in various formats.
elasticdump-helper Public
Forked from valtech-sd/elasticdump-helperDump-query.sh is a bash script along with supporting files (environment variables) to run the ElasticDump utility to pull specific data out of ElasticSearch, the data being specified in the QUERY t…
Shell MIT License UpdatedOct 18, 2023 -
google-drive-export Public
A script that, given a Google Drive folder id, will export each Google Doc, Sheet and Slides files in the directory and its subdirectories into native office formats docx, xlsx, pptx, plus also a PDF.
Docker-RabbitMQ Public
Forked from valtech-sd/Docker-RabbitMQA Docker Compose structure for creating RabbitMQ instances.
RabbitMQ-To-EventHub-Shovel Public template
Forked from valtech-sd/RabbitMQ-To-EventHub-ShovelA template repo that contains a NodeJS app that will consume messages from a RabbitMQ queue and immediately send them to an Azure EventHub.
docker-eclipse-mosquitto Public
A Docker Compose project that will build and run a Mosquitto MQTT broker with TLS and username/password authentication.
github-backup Public
A python utility that can backup GitHub repositories with support for native python and Docker.
ApiFocus Public template
Forked from valtech-sd/ApiFocusFocus on your API, not boilerplate code! ApiFocus is a scaffold project that brings together Swagger + ExpressJs to quickly create working APIs that dynamically change based on an API definition.
git-sync Public
Forked from valtech-sd/git-sync🔃 A GitHub Action for syncing between two independent repositories using force push
network-multitool Public template
A docker container to run a suite of Network Tools on an Alpine Linux image. Based on wbitt/Network-MultiTool.
pylogix-webserver Public
A Web Server front-end to access data from PLCs. Uses the Pylogix library and provides a controlled, structured environment to selected PLC data. Supports authentication and rate limits.
amqp-cacoon Public
Forked from valtech-sd/amqp-cacoonAmqpCacoon is an abstraction around node-amqp-connection-manager that provides a simple interface with flow control, retries, reconnects, and more included out of the box.
logstash-output-azure_event_hubs Public
Forked from bryanklewis/logstash-output-azure_event_hubsAzure Event Hubs Output for Elastic Logstash
Ruby Other UpdatedAug 9, 2023 -
rules-js Public
Forked from valtech-sd/rules-jsA simple rule-engine for javascript
plc-utils Public
Forked from valtech-sd/plc-utilsA utility to query PLCs using the pylogix API
super-transformer Public
Forked from valtech-sd/super-transformerThis package provides scripts to transform incoming strings using templates. It receives string representations of various formats (JSON, CSV) and returns a string after transforming the incoming d…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2023 -
rw_trelloreport Public
A tool that uses the Trello API to pull out lists of cards in the various RW tutorial phases.
azure-kusto-ingest-example Public
Forked from valtech-sd/azure-kusto-ingest-exampleA simple example of ingesting into Azure Kusto from in-memory Streams and Arrays.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 11, 2022 -
iaapa-game-unity Public
Forked from valtech-sd/iaapa-game-unityUnity application (BEAT THE BUZZ) for the IAAPA event 2022.
C# UpdatedDec 9, 2022