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List Class

The List class is a fundamental data structure in CSSTree, used to represent the children of AST nodes. It provides a performant way to manipulate nodes during CSS parsing and transformation by avoiding the overhead of growing arrays and reducing common mistakes when modifying a list while iterating over it.

Table of Contents


The List class implements a doubly linked list specifically optimized for AST node manipulation within CSSTree. By using a linked list instead of an array, it ensures efficient insertions and deletions without the need for memory reallocation or shifting elements, which can be costly with large AST.

This data structure is particularly useful when traversing and modifying the AST, as it helps avoid common pitfalls such as altering the collection while iterating over it.

List Structure

The List is a doubly linked list where each element (item) contains references to its previous and next items, as well as the data (node) it holds.

            ┌──────────────┼─head │
            │              │ tail─┼──────────────┐
            │              └──────┘              │
            ▼                                    ▼
           Item        Item        Item        Item
         ┌──────┐    ┌──────┐    ┌──────┐    ┌──────┐
 null ◀──┼─prev │◀───┼─prev │◀───┼─prev │◀───┼─prev │
         │ next─┼───▶│ next─┼───▶│ next─┼───▶│ next─┼──▶ null
         ├──────┤    ├──────┤    ├──────┤    ├──────┤
         │ data │    │ data │    │ data │    │ data │
         └──────┘    └──────┘    └──────┘    └──────┘

List Items vs. Data

In the List class, each node of the list is called an item, which contains:

  • prev: Reference to the previous item.
  • next: Reference to the next item.
  • data: The actual data (AST node).

It's crucial to understand the distinction between the item and the data it holds. When manipulating the list, operations often involve items, especially when inserting or removing elements.

Usage Examples

Traversing and Modifying the List

When using CSSTree's walk() function to traverse the AST, you interact with List instances:

csstree.walk(ast, function(node, item, list) {
  // node: the current AST node (
  // item: the current list item
  // list: the list containing the item

  // Remove the current node

  // Insert a new node before the current item
  const newItem = List.createItem(newNode);
  list.insert(newItem, item);

  // Alternatively, insert data directly
  list.insertData(newNode, item);

  // Insert a node after the current item

API Reference

Static Methods


Creates a new list item containing the provided data.

  • Parameters:
    • data: The data to store in the item.
  • Returns: A new list item.
const item = List.createItem(node);

Instance Methods


Initializes a new empty List.

const list = new List();


Instance method to create a new list item.

  • Parameters:
    • data: The data to store in the item.
  • Returns: A new list item.
const item = list.createItem(node);


Allows the list to be iterable using for...of loops.

for (const node of list) {



Returns the number of items in the list.

  • Type: number
console.log(list.size); // Outputs the size of the list


Checks if the list is empty.

  • Type: boolean
if (list.isEmpty) {
  // The list is empty


Gets the data of the first item.

  • Type: Same as the data stored in the list.
const firstNode = list.first;


Gets the data of the last item.

  • Type: Same as the data stored in the list.
const lastNode = list.last;

Conversion Methods


Populates the list with items created from the given array.

  • Parameters:
    • array: An array of data elements.
  • Returns: The List instance (for chaining).
list.fromArray([node1, node2, node3]);


Converts the list to an array of data elements.

  • Returns: An array of the data in the list.
const nodes = list.toArray();


Serializes the list to a JSON-compatible array.

  • Returns: An array suitable for JSON serialization.
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(list);

Traversal Methods

forEach(fn, [thisArg])

Executes a function for each item in the list, from head to tail.

  • Parameters:
    • fn(data, item, list): Function to execute for each item.
    • thisArg (optional): Value to use as this when executing fn.
list.forEach((node, item, list) => {

forEachRight(fn, [thisArg])

Executes a function for each item in the list, from tail to head.

list.forEachRight((node, item, list) => {

reduce(fn, initialValue, [thisArg])

Applies a function against an accumulator and each item to reduce it to a single value.

  • Parameters:
    • fn(accumulator, data, item, list): Function to execute on each item.
    • initialValue: Initial value for the accumulator.
    • thisArg (optional): Value to use as this when executing fn.
const total = list.reduce((sum, node) => sum + node.value, 0);

reduceRight(fn, initialValue, [thisArg])

Same as reduce, but from tail to head.

const total = list.reduceRight((sum, node) => sum + node.value, 0);

some(fn, [thisArg])

Tests whether at least one element in the list passes the test implemented by fn.

  • Parameters:
    • fn(data, item, list): Function to test for each element.
    • thisArg (optional): Value to use as this when executing fn.
  • Returns: true if the callback returns a truthy value for any item; otherwise, false.
const hasTypeA = list.some(node => node.type === 'TypeA');

map(fn, [thisArg])

Creates a new List with the results of calling a function on every element.

  • Parameters:
    • fn(data, item, list): Function that produces an element of the new list.
    • thisArg (optional): Value to use as this when executing fn.
  • Returns: A new List instance.
const mappedList = => ({ ...node, value: node.value * 2 }));

filter(fn, [thisArg])

Creates a new List with all elements that pass the test implemented by fn.

  • Parameters:
    • fn(data, item, list): Function to test each element.
    • thisArg (optional): Value to use as this when executing fn.
  • Returns: A new List instance.
const filteredList = list.filter(node => node.isActive);

nextUntil(startItem, fn, [thisArg])

Iterates over the list starting from startItem, moving forward, until fn returns true.

  • Parameters:
    • startItem: The item to start from.
    • fn(data, item, list): Function to execute for each item.
    • thisArg (optional): Value to use as this when executing fn.
list.nextUntil(someItem, (node, item) => {
  if (node.type === 'StopType') return true;
  // Process node

prevUntil(startItem, fn, [thisArg])

Iterates over the list starting from startItem, moving backward, until fn returns true.

list.prevUntil(someItem, (node, item) => {
  if (node.type === 'StartType') return true;
  // Process node

Mutation Methods


Removes all items from the list.



Creates a shallow copy of the list.

  • Returns: A new List instance.
const newList = list.copy();


Inserts an item at the beginning of the list.

  • Parameters:
    • item: The item to prepend.
const item = List.createItem(node);


Creates a new item with the provided data and inserts it at the beginning.



Inserts an item at the end of the list.

const item = List.createItem(node);


Creates a new item with the provided data and inserts it at the end.


insert(item, [before])

Inserts an item into the list before the specified item.

  • Parameters:
    • item: The item to insert.
    • before (optional): The item before which the new item will be inserted. If null or not provided, the item is appended to the end.
const item = List.createItem(node);
list.insert(item, existingItem);

insertData(data, [before])

Creates a new item with the provided data and inserts it before the specified item.

list.insertData(node, existingItem);


Removes an item from the list.

  • Parameters:
    • item: The item to remove.
  • Returns: The removed item.


Appends data to the end of the list (alias for appendData).



Removes and returns the last item of the list.

  • Returns: The removed item, or null if the list is empty.
const lastItem = list.pop();


Prepends data to the beginning of the list (alias for prependData).



Removes and returns the first item of the list.

  • Returns: The removed item, or null if the list is empty.
const firstItem = list.shift();


Inserts all items from otherList at the beginning of the list.

  • Parameters:
    • otherList: The list to prepend. After the operation, otherList will be empty.


Inserts all items from otherList at the end of the list.


insertList(otherList, [before])

Inserts all items from otherList into the list before the specified item.

  • Parameters:
    • otherList: The list to insert. After the operation, otherList will be empty.
    • before (optional): The item before which to insert the new list.
list.insertList(anotherList, existingItem);

replace(oldItem, newItemOrList)

Replaces oldItem with a new item or list.

  • Parameters:
    • oldItem: The item to replace.
    • newItemOrList: The new item or list to insert.

Example (with a single item):

const newItem = List.createItem(newNode);
list.replace(oldItem, newItem);

Example (with a list):

const newList = new List().fromArray([node1, node2]);
list.replace(oldItem, newList);

Array Compatibility

The List class is compatible with arrays in many cases. It provides methods to convert to and from arrays, and implements iterable protocols.

Conversion to Array:

const array = list.toArray();

Conversion from Array:

list.fromArray([node1, node2, node3]);

Iteration using for...of:

for (const node of list) {
  // Process node

Note: Direct index access (e.g., list[0]) is not supported.


The List class implements toJSON(), allowing it to be serialized with JSON.stringify().

const jsonString = JSON.stringify(list);