export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic';
export const dynamic = 'force-dynamic';
more adjustments for vercel deployment
more adjustments for vercel deployment
build adjustments for vercel deployment
build adjustments for vercel deployment
file structure removing sub-folder structure
file structure removing sub-folder structure
adding remove button to the cart
adding remove button to the cart
shopping cart with use state
shopping cart with use state
connected to mongodb and loading progucts from db
connected to mongodb and loading progucts from db
adding post method and shopping carts per user
adding post method and shopping carts per user
shopping cart parametarised route handling api endpoint
shopping cart parametarised route handling api endpoint
had to fix up styling and theming a bit
had to fix up styling and theming a bit
adding my external images made adjustments to next.config
adding my external images made adjustments to next.config
using route parameters in route handlers
using route parameters in route handlers
theming with tailwind css - classes to each el do not like it
theming with tailwind css - classes to each el do not like it
rest of the stylingwith tailwind css
rest of the stylingwith tailwind css