I may be slow to respond.
6+ yrs Full Stack Software Engineer | Next.js | NodeJS | C# .NET | Python
✨ Open Source Lead Developer & Maintainer | Angular | AnalogJS
Starred repositories
for forked starred repositories
Clear filter
bdougie / people
Forked from cncf/peopleStores the data that will populate the various people listings on cncf.io
Angular Renderer for THREE.js
MarkTechson / angular-database-schema-sample
Forked from google-gemini/angular-database-schema-samplePhoto library and interactive editor built with Next.js & Cloudinary
alamenai / markdown-pdf
Forked from jguddas/markdown-pdfConvert markdown or html to PDF.
brandonroberts / dalenguyen-pdfun
Forked from dalenguyen/pdfunPDF services built with Angular & GCP
joshuamorony / language-tools
Forked from analogjs/language-toolsAnalogJS Language Tools